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English - 22
For detailed procedures on setting up options, refer to the ‘Setting the Network’ instructions.
When connecting to a game console such as PlayStation™ or Xbox™, you can enjoy a more realistic gaming experience by
selecting game menu.
Restrictions on game mode (Caution)
To disconnect the game console and connect another external device, set Game Mode to Off in the setup menu.
If you display the TV menu in Game Mode, the screen shakes slightly.
Game Mode is not available in regular TV, PC and Ext mode.
While PIP is in operation, the Game Mode function cannot be used.
If the picture is poor when external device is connected to TV, check if Game Mode is On. Set Game Mode to Off and
connect external devices.
If Game Mode is On:
Picture mode is automatically changed to Standard and cannot be changed.
Sound mode is automatically changed to Custom and cannot be changed. Adjust the sound using the equalizer.
The Reset Sound function is activated. Selecting the Reset function after setting the equalizer resets the equalizer
settings to the factory defaults.
Provides the optimal picture quality for SAMSUNG DVD, Blu-ray and Home Theatre products which support BD Wise. You can
enjoy a richer picture when using them connected to this Samsung TV.
Connect SAMSUNG products that have BD Wise using an HDMI cable.
When the BD Wise set to On, the picture mode is automatically changed to the optimal resolution.
BD Wise is available in HDMI mode.
This feature adjusts the brightness of the TV in order to reduce power consumption. When watching TV at night, set the
Energy Saving mode option to High to reduce eye fatigue as well as power consumption.
If you select Picture Off, the screen is turned off and you can only hear the sound. Press any button to get out of Picture Off.
In the Tools menu, Picture Off function is not supported.
Press the TOOLS button to display the Tools menu. You can also set the Energy Saving option by selecting Tools→
Energy Saving.
You can set the Transparency of the menu.
A melody sound can be set to come on when the TV is powered On or Off.
The Melody does not play
When no sound is output from the TV because the MUTE button has been pressed.
When no sound is output from the TV because the volume has been reduced to minimum with the volum (-) button.
When the TV is turned off by Sleep Timer function.
For detailed procedures on setting up options, refer to the ‘Viewing Picture-in- Picture’ instructions.
BN68-02325A-Eng.indb 22 2009-05-19 �� 3:42:47

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung LE32B651

Samsung LE32B651 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 72 pagina's

Samsung LE32B651 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 674 pagina's

Samsung LE32B651 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 354 pagina's

Samsung LE32B651 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Português, Espanôl - 674 pagina's

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