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Digital TV Notice
1. Functionalities related to Digital TV(DVB) are only available in countries/areas where DVB-T (MPEG2 and MPEG4 AVC) digital
terrestrial signals are broadcasted or where you are able to access to a compatible DVB-C(MPEG2 and MPEG4 AAC) cable-
TV service. Please check with your local dealer the possibility to receive DVB-T or DVB-C signal.
2. DVB-T is the DVB European consortium standard for the broadcast transmission of digital terrestrial television and DVB-
C is that for the broadcast transmission of digital TV over cable. However, some differentiated features like EPG (Electric
Programme Guide), VOD (Video on Demand) and so on, are not included in this specification. So, they cannot be workable at
this moment.
3. Although this TV set meets the latest DVB-T and DVB-C standards, as of [August, 2008], the compatibility with future DVB-T
digital terrestrial and DVB-C digital cable broadcasts cannot be guaranteed.
4. Depending on the countries/areas where this TV set is used some cable-TV providers may charge an additional fee for such a
service and you may be required to agree to terms and conditions of their business.
5. Some Digital TV functions might be unavailable in some countries or regions and DVB-C might not work correctly with some
cable service providers.
6. For more information, please contact your local Samsung customer care centre.
Precautions When Displaying a Still Image
A still image may cause permanent damage to the TV screen
Do not display still image and partially still on the LCD panel for more than 2 hours as it can cause screen image retention.
This image retention is also known as screen burn. To avoid such image retention, reduce the degree of brightness and
contrast of the screen when displaying a still image.
Watching the LCD TV in 4:3 format for a long period of time may leave traces of borders displayed on the
left, right and centre of the screen caused by the difference of light emission on the screen. Playing a DVD or
a game console may cause a similar effect to the screen. Damages caused by the above effect are not
covered by the Warranty.
Displaying still images from Video games and PC for longer than a certain period of time may produce partial after-images. To
prevent this effect, reduce the ‘brightness’ and ‘contrast’ when displaying still images.
© 2009 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
BN68-01900L-01Eng.indb 1 2009-04-08 �� 11:36:00

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Samsung LE32B650 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 354 pagina's

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