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01 Getting Started
Viewing the Remote Control
This is a special remote control for the visually impaired persons and has Braille points on the Power, Channel, and
Volume buttons.
Installing batteries (Battery size: AAA)
Use the remote control within 23 feet from the TV.
Bright light may affect the performance of the remote
control. Avoid using nearby special fluorescent light or neon
The colour and shape may vary depending on the model.
Displays and selects the available video
sources. (P. 9)
When the ON/OFF light button is set to ON and a
certain button is pressed, the remote control buttons
will be lit for a moment.
(Using the remote control with this button set to On
will reduce the battery usage time.)
Turns the TV on and off. (P. 6)
Press to directly access to channels.
Displays the EPG (Electronic Programme Guide).
(P. 10)
Changes channels.
Quickly selects frequently used functions.
Displays information on the TV screen. (P. 10)
Displays the main on-screen menu.
(P. 9)
Adjusts the volume.
Returns to the previous channel.
Buttons in the Channel Manager, Internet@
TV, Media Play menu, etc.
Use these buttons in the Media Play and
Anynet+ modes. (P. 29, 36)
(: controls recording on Samsung recorders
with the Anynet+ feature)
Cuts off the sound temporarily.
Returns to the previous menu.
Selects on-screen menu items and change
menu values.
Exits the menu.
MEDIA.P: Views the Media play. (P. 29)
INTERNET: Links to various Internet services.
(P. 39)
DUAL I-II: Selects sound mode. (P. 17)
AD: Audio Description selection. (Not available in
some locations) (P. 17)
P.SIZE: Choose the picture size. (P. 15)
SUBT.: Digital subtitle display (P. 19)
Displays the Content View, which includes
Guide, Internet@TV, Media Play, and AllShare.
Alternately select Teletext ON, Double,
Mix or OFF.
Displays channel list on the screen. (P. 13)
BN68-02558MNPRTQ_00Eng.indb 5 2010-5-19 14:13:54

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung LE 46C670

Samsung LE 46C670 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch, English, Italiano - 149 pagina's

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