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Getting to know your camera
Do not attempt to modify this camera in any way. To do so may result in
fire, injury, electric shock or severe damage to you or your camera. Internal
inspection, maintenance and repairs should only be carried out by your
dealer or Samsung Camera Service centre.
Should any form of liquid or a foreign object enter the camera, do not use
it. Switch off the camera, and then disconnect the power source. You must
contact your dealer or Samsung Camera Service centre. Do not continue to
use the camera as this may cause a fire or electric shock.
Please do not use this product in close proximity to flammable or explosive
gases, as this could increase the risk of explosion.
Do not insert or drop metallic or inflammable foreign objects into the camera
through access points e.g. the memory card slot and battery chamber. This
may cause a fire or electric shock.
Do not operate this camera with wet hands. This could pose a risk of electric
Do not use the flash in close proximity to people or animals. Positioning the
flash too close to your subject’s eyes may cause eyesight damage.
For safety reasons keep this product and accessories out of reach of
children or animals to prevent accidents e.g.:
- Swallowing battery or small camera accessories. If an accident should
occur, please consult a doctor immediately.
- There is the possibility of injury from the camera’s moving parts.
Battery and camera may become hot during prolonged use and it may result
in camera malfunction. Should this be the case, allow the camera to sit idle
for a few minutes to allow it time to cool.
Do not leave this camera in places subject to extremely high temperatures,
such as a sealed vehicle, direct sunlight or other places of extreme
variances in temperature. Exposure to extreme temperatures may adversely
affect the camera’s internal components and could cause a fire.
When in use, do not cover the camera or Charger. This may cause heat to
build up and distort the camera body or cause a fire. Always use the camera
and its accessories in a well-ventilated area.
DANGER indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will
result in death or serious injury.
WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could
result in death or serious injury.

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