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38 English
Media Play
Select to rotate the picture. (This will
rotate the picture either clockwise
or counter clockwise.)
Select to listen to music while
viewing a slide show.
Picture Mode
- Dynamic : Choose to increase
- Standard : Choose for most
viewing applications.
- Movie : This is the best setting
for watching movies.
- User : Lets you adjust the
sharpness and noise reduction
function respectively.
Information : Shows the picture
Customize your own personal
sound preferences using the
equaliser settings.
This function is only available when
Equaliser Mode is On.
Depending on the disc or storage device, the Options
menu may differ. All options may not be displayed.
To enable the background music function, the photo
file must be in the same storage media as the music
file. However, the sound quality can be affected by the
bit rate of the MP3 file, the size of the photo, and the
encoding method.
You can't enlarge the subtitle and PG graphic in the
full screen mode.
Using the View and Options Menus
When you See the Photo File List
Groups all the photo files
on the media or storage
device by Date. Click a
group to see the photos in
that group.
Displays all the photo files
on the media or storage
device by title.
Displays all the folders
on the media or storage
Slide Show
Starts the slide show.
Shows all the files in the
current folder, one after
another. If you want to
create a slide show with a
selected group of photos,
see Play Selected below.
Play Selected lets you
create a playlist by
selecting specific files to
play. It works essentially
the same way for all
media. See Creating a
Playlist on an Audio CD
on page 35.
Select Send to upload
selected files to on line
sites (Picasa, Facebook
etc) or devices. To use
Send, you need to
establish an account with
the on-line site, and then
log in using the Log In
Depending on the disc or storage device, the Options
menu may differ. All options may not be displayed.
Listening to Radio
Using Buttons on the Remote Control
1. Press the FUNCTION button to select FM.
2. Tune to the desired station.
• Preset Tuning 1 : Press the
button to select
Preset and then press the TUNING/CH (
button to select the preset station.
- Before you can tune to preset stations, you
must add preset stations to the product's
memory. See page 39 for instruction.
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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung HT-FS9200

Samsung HT-FS9200 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, Français - 177 pagina's

Samsung HT-FS9200 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano, Português, Espanõl - 236 pagina's

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