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English 25
• To display capital letters (or redisplay small letters
if capital letters are displayed), select
, and
then press the
• To display symbols and punctuation, select
123#&, and then press the
button. To
redisplay letters, select 123#&, and then press
When finished, select Done, and then press the
5. On the Security type screen that appears, use the
▲▼ buttons to select the network's Security type,
and then press the
button. On the next screen,
enter your network's security code or pass phrase.
• Enter numbers directly using the number buttons
on your remote control.
• Enter letters by selecting a letter with the ▲▼◄►
buttons, and then pressing the
When finished, select Done, and then press the
button. The product searches for the network.
6. The Network connection fail screen appears. Use
◄► buttons to select IP Settings, and then press
7. Select the IP setting field, and then set it to Enter
8. Select a network value to enter (IP Address, for
example), and then press
button. Use the
number keypad on your remote control to enter the
numbers for the value. You can also enter numbers
using the ▲▼ buttons. Use the ◄► buttons on the
remote control to move from entry field to entry field
within a value. When done with one value, press the
9. Press the ▲ or ▼ button to move to another value,
and then enter the numbers for that value following
the instructions in Step 8.
10. Repeat Steps 8 and 9 until you have filled in all
You can get the Network values from your Internet
11. When finished, select OK, and then press the
button. The Security Screen appears.
12. On the Security screen, enter your network's
Security Code or Pass Phrase. Enter numbers
directly using the number buttons on your remote
control. Enter letters by selecting a letter with the
▲▼◄► buttons, and then pressing the
13. When finished, select Done at the right of the
screen, and then press the
button. The product
verifies the network connection and then connects
to the network.
14. After the home cinema verifies the network, select
OK, and then press the
You can also begin the Manual Network setting by
going to Settings >Network > Network Status.
One of the easiest ways to set up the wireless network
connection is using the WPS(PBC) function. If your
wireless router has a WPS(PBC) button, follow these
After following Steps 1 to 3 in "Configuring Your Network
Connection" on page 23:
1. In the Network Settings screen, change Network
type to Wireless. The product searches for and
then displays a list of the available networks.
2. Scroll the list down, select WPS(PBC), and then
press the
3. Press the WPS(PBC) button on your router within
two minutes. Your product automatically acquires all
the network settings values it needs and connects
to your network.
The product connects to the network after the
network connection is verified.
4. When it is done, highlight OK, and then press
For WPS connection, set your wireless router’s
security encryption to AES. Setting to WEP security
encryption does not support WPS connection.
Wi-Fi Direct
The Wi-Fi Direct function allows you to connect Wi-Fi
Direct devices to the product and each other using a
peer-to-peer network, without a wireless router.
Some Wi-Fi Direct devices may not support the
AllShare function if connected via Wi-Fi Direct. If this is
the case, change the network connection method you
used to connect the device to the home cinema.
Wi-Fi Direct transmissions can interfere with the
Bluetooth signal. Before you use the Bluetooth
function, we strongly recommend that you turn off
the Wi-Fi Direct function on any device in which it is
currently on.
HT-FS9200-XU_0604.indd 25HT-FS9200-XU_0604.indd 25 2013-06-04 오전 10:33:232013-06-04 오전 10:33:23

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung HT-FS9200

Samsung HT-FS9200 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, Français - 177 pagina's

Samsung HT-FS9200 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano, Português, Espanõl - 236 pagina's

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