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48 English
Network Services
2. Select Update Apps, and then press the
3. The unit searches the Internet for newer versions of
your apps. If there are new apps, the Update Apps
pop-up appears.
4. To download the update for a particular app,
highlight the app, and then press the
A check appears to the left of the app.
5. To deselect the app, highlight it, and then press the
To select all the updates, select Select All on the
right of the pop-up, and then press the
button. To
deselect all the updates, select Deselect All, and then
press the
6. After you have selected the updates you want to
download, select Update on the right side of the
pop-up, and then press the
7. The unit downloads the updates you have chosen.
A download bar appears in each app icon as the
update for that app is downloaded. The download
is complete when the download bars disappear.
Screen Mirroring
The Screen Mirroring function lets you view the screen
of your smart phone or smart device on the TV you have
connected to the home cinema system.
1. With the Blu-ray's Home screen displayed, press
the BLUE (D) button on the remote. The Screen
Mirroring pop-up appears.
2. Launch AllShare Cast on your device.
3. On your device, find the name of the home cinema
system in the list of available devices and then
select it.
4. The TV displays a connecting message (for
example, Connecting to Android_92gb...) and then
displays the connected message.
5. In a few moments, the screen of your device
appears on the TV screen.
When you are using the Screen Mirroring function,
video stuttering or audio dropouts may occur,
depending on your environment.
You can connect to a device that supports AllShare
Cast. Note that connecting to such a device may not
be fully supported depending on the manufacturer.
For further information on mobile connection support,
refer to the manufacturer’s web site.
Bluetooth transmissions can interfere with the Screen
Mirroring signal. Before using the Screen Mirroring
function, we strongly recommend that you turn off
the Bluetooth function on your smart phone or smart
Using the Web Browser
You can access the Internet using the Web Browser
Select Web Browser on the Home screen, and then
press the
When you run the Web Browser with the product
connected by HDMI to a BD Wise compatible TV -
and BD Wise is on - the browser is maximized to fill
the screen and the TV's resolution is set to the optimal
resolution automatically.
The Web Browser is not compatible with Java
If you attempt to download a file, and the file cannot
be saved, an error message will appear.
E-commerce (purchasing products online) is not
ActiveX is not supported.
Access may be blocked to some websites or to web
browsers operated by certain businesses.
Link Browsing and Pointer Browsing
The Web Browser provides two types of browsing,
Pointer Browsing and Link Browsing. When you launch
the browser for the first time, Pointer Browsing is active.
If you are using a mouse to navigate in the Web Browser,
we recommend leaving Pointer Browsing active. If you
are using your remote to navigate in the Web Browser,
we recommend that you replace Pointer Browsing with
Link Browsing. Link Browsing moves a highlight from one
link to the next in the Web Browser and is much faster
than Pointer Browsing if you are using your remote.
To activate Link Browsing, follow these steps:
1. Use the ▲▼◄► buttons on your remote to move
the pointer to the Link Browser icon on the top right
of the screen. The Link Browser icon is the third
icon from the right.
The pointer will be in the correct position if the icon
turns blue and the words “Link Browsing” appear
on the screen.
2. Press the
button. Link Browsing is activated
and will remain active whenever you bring up the
Web Browser.
HT-F9750W-M.E.Asia_ENG-0315.indd 48HT-F9750W-M.E.Asia_ENG-0315.indd 48 2013-03-15 오후 3:10:212013-03-15 오후 3:10:21

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung HT-F9750W

Samsung HT-F9750W Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 252 pagina's

Samsung HT-F9750W Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 189 pagina's

Samsung HT-F9750W Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 252 pagina's

Samsung HT-F9750W Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français, Italiano - 189 pagina's

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