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14 English
This section describes various methods of connecting the product to other external components.
Before moving or installing the product, be sure to turn off the power and disconnect the power cord.
Connecting the Speakers
Surround (L)
Surround (R)
Receiver Module
Front Top (L)
Front Top (R)
Position of the product
Place it on a stand or cabinet shelf, or
under the TV stand.
Selecting the Listening Position
The listening position should be located
about 2.5 to 3 times the distance of the
TV's screen size away from the TV.
For example, if you have a 46 inch
screen, locate the listening position 2.92
to 3.50 meters from the screen.
Front/Front Top
Place these speakers in front of your listening position, facing inwards (about 45°) toward you.
Place the front speakers so that their tweeters will be at the same height as your ear. Align
the front face of the front/front top speakers with the front face of the centre speaker or place
them slightly in front of the centre speakers.
Centre Speaker
It is best to install the Centre Speaker at the same height as the front/front top speakers. You
can also install it directly over or under the TV.
Place these speakers to the side of your listening position. If there isn't enough room, place
these speakers so they face each other. Position them about 60 to 90cm above your ear,
facing slightly downward.
* Unlike the front/front top and centre speakers, the surround speakers are used mainly for
sound effects. Sound will not come from them all the time.
The position of the subwoofer is not so critical. Place it anywhere you like.
* Surround speakers must be connected to the wireless receiver module.
Speaker Components
Wireless Receiver
Speaker Cable x 2
Surround x 2Front/Front Top x 2
Screw (5x20) x 16
Stand x 4
Stand Base x 4
HT-F9750W-M.E.Asia_ENG-0315.indd 14HT-F9750W-M.E.Asia_ENG-0315.indd 14 2013-03-15 오후 3:09:202013-03-15 오후 3:09:20

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung HT-F9750W

Samsung HT-F9750W Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 252 pagina's

Samsung HT-F9750W Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 189 pagina's

Samsung HT-F9750W Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 252 pagina's

Samsung HT-F9750W Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français, Italiano - 189 pagina's

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