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English 3
01 Safety Information
Disc Storage & Management
• Holding Discs
- Fingerprints or scratches on
a disc may reduce sound and
picture quality or cause skipping.
- Avoid touching the surface of a disc where data has
been recorded.
- Hold the disc by the edges so that fingerprints will
not get on the surface.
- Do not stick paper or tape on the disc.
• Cleaning Discs
- If you get fingerprints or dirt on a disc,
clean it with a mild detergent diluted
in water and wipe with a soft cloth.
- When cleaning, wipe gently from the
inside to the outside of the disc.
- Disc Storage
Do not keep in direct sunlight.
Keep in a cool ventilated area.
Keep in a clean protection jacket and store
Handling Cautions
• Do not expose this apparatus to dripping or splashing.
Do not put objects filled with liquids, such as vases, on
the apparatus.
• To turn this apparatus off completely, you must pull the
power plug out of the wall socket. Consequently, the
power plug must be easily and readily accessible at all
• Do not touch the power plug with a wet hand.
It can cause an electric shock.
• Do not plug multiple electric devices into the same wall
socket. Overloading a socket can cause it to overheat,
resulting in a fire.
• Maintenance of the Cabinet
- Before connecting other components to this
product, be sure to turn them off.
- If you move your product suddenly from a cold place
to a warm place, condensation may occur on the
operating parts and lens and cause abnormal disc
playback. If this occurs, unplug the product, wait for
two hours, and then connect the plug to the power
outlet. Then, insert the disc, and try to play back
• If the product makes an abnormal noise or produces
a burning smell or smoke, turn off the power switch
immediately and disconnect the power plug from
the wall outlet. Then, contact the nearest customer
service centre for technical assistance. Do not use the
product. Using the product as it is may cause a fire or
an electric shock.
Manufactured under licence
from Dolby Laboratories.
Dolby, Pro Logic, and
the double-D symbol are
trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.
Manufactured under a licence from U.S. Patent
No’s: 5,956,674, 5,974,380, 5,978,762, 6,487,535,
6,226,616, 7,212,872, 7,003,467, 7,272,567,
7,668,723, 7,392,195, 7,930,184, 7,333,929 and
7,548,853. DTS, DTS-HD, the Symbol, and DTS
or DTS-HD and the Symbol together are registered
trademarks & DTS Neo:Fusion is a trademark of DTS,
Inc. ©2012 DTS, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
is a digital video format
created by DivX, LLC, a
subsidiary of Rovi Corporation. This is an official DivX
Certified® device that plays DivX video. Visit divx.com
for more information and software tools to convert
your files into DivX videos.
Certified® device must be registered in order to play
purchased DivX Video-on-Demand (VOD) movies. To
obtain your registration code, locate the DivX VOD
section in your device setup menu. Go to vod.divx.
com for more information on how to complete your
DivX Certified® to play DivX® video up to HD 1080p,
including premium content.
DivX®, DivX Certified® and associated logos are
trademarks of Rovi Corporation or its subsidiaries and
are used under licence.
Covered by one or more of the following U.S. patents
: 7,295,673; 7,460,668; 7,515,710; 7,519,274
HT-F6500_30W_50W-XU_0207.indd 3HT-F6500_30W_50W-XU_0207.indd 3 2013-02-07 오후 7:35:372013-02-07 오후 7:35:37

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung HT-F6500

Samsung HT-F6500 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch - 186 pagina's

Samsung HT-F6500 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 62 pagina's

Samsung HT-F6500 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 186 pagina's

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