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Read me first
Please read this manual before using the device to ensure safe and proper use.
Descriptions are based on the devices default settings.
Some content may differ from your device depending on the region, service provider,
model specifications, or devices software.
Content (high quality content) that requires high CPU and RAM usage will affect the
overall performance of the device. Apps related to the content may not work properly
depending on the devices specifications and the environment that it is used in.
Samsung is not liable for performance issues caused by apps supplied by providers other
than Samsung.
Samsung is not liable for performance issues or incompatibilities caused by edited
registry settings or modified operating system software. Attempting to customise the
operating system may cause the device or apps to work improperly.
Software, sound sources, wallpapers, images, and other media provided with this device
are licensed for limited use. Extracting and using these materials for commercial or other
purposes is an infringement of copyright laws. Users are entirely responsible for illegal
use of media.
You may incur additional charges for data services, such as messaging, uploading and
downloading, auto-syncing, or using location services depending on your data plan. For
large data transfers, it is recommended to use the Wi-Fi feature.
Default apps that come with the device are subject to updates and may no longer be
supported without prior notice. If you have questions about an app provided with
the device, contact a Samsung Service Centre. For user-installed apps, contact service
Modifying the devices operating system or installing softwares from unofficial sources
may result in device malfunctions and data corruption or loss. These actions are violations
of your Samsung licence agreement and will void your warranty.
Depending on the region, you can view the regulatory information on the device. To view
the information, tap
Galaxy Settings
Legal information
Regulatory information

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung Galaxy TabPro S Pro - SM-W707

Samsung Galaxy TabPro S Pro - SM-W707 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 59 pagina's

Samsung Galaxy TabPro S Pro - SM-W707 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 59 pagina's

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