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Safety precautions
Never place batteries or devices on or in heating devices, such as microwave •
ovens, stoves, or radiators. Batteries may explode when overheated.
Never crush or puncture the battery. Avoid exposing the battery to high •
external pressure, which can lead to an internal short circuit and overheating.
Protect the device, batteries, and chargers from damage
Avoid exposing your device and batteries to very cold or very hot •
Extreme temperatures can cause the deformation of the device and reduce •
the charging capacity and life of your device and batteries.
Prevent batteries from contacting metal objects, as this can create a •
connection between the + and – terminals of your batteries and lead to
temporary or permanent battery damage.
Never use a damaged charger or battery.•
Caution: Follow all safety warnings and
regulations when using your device in restricted
Turn off your device where prohibited
Comply with all regulations that restrict the use of a mobile device in a
particular area.
Do not use your device near other electronic devices
Most electronic devices use radio frequency signals. Your device may interfere
with other electronic devices.
Do not use your device near a pacemaker
Avoid using your device within a 15 cm range of a pacemaker if possible, as •
your device can interfere with the pacemaker.
If you must use your device, keep it at least 15 cm away from the pacemaker.•
To minimise the possible interference with a pacemaker, use your device on •
the opposite side of your body from the pacemaker.
Do not use your device in a hospital or near medical equipment
that can be interfered with by radio frequency
If you personally use any medical equipment, contact the manufacturer of the
equipment to ensure the safety of your equipment from radio frequency.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung GT-S6802 Galaxy Ace Duos

Samsung GT-S6802 Galaxy Ace Duos Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 144 pagina's

Samsung GT-S6802 Galaxy Ace Duos Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 144 pagina's

Samsung GT-S6802 Galaxy Ace Duos Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 143 pagina's

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