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Phone layout
Instructional icons
Note: notes, usage tips, or additional information
Followed by: the order of options or menus you
must select to perform a step; for example: Press
<Menu> Messages (represents Menu, followed
by Messages)
[ ]
Square brackets: phone keys; for example: [ ]
(represents the Power/Menu exit key)
< >
Angled brackets: softkeys that control different
functions at each screen; for example: <OK>
(represents the OK softkey)
Turn your phone on or off
1. To turn your phone on, press and hold [ ].
2. To turn your phone off, press and hold [ ].
Access menus
To access your phone's menus,
1. In Idle mode, press the Conrm key to access Menu
2. Use the navigation key to scroll to a menu or option.
3. Press <Select>, or the Conrm key to conrm the
focused option.
Make a call
1. In Idle mode, enter an area code and a phone
2. Press [ ] to dial the number.
3. To end the call, press [ ].
Answer a call
1. When a call comes in, press [ ].
2. To end the call, press [ ].
Adjust the volume
To adjust the volume of the ringtone
1. In Menu mode, select Settings Phone proles.
2. Scroll to the phone prole you are using.
3. Press <Options> → Edit.
4. Select Incoming call Ringtone volume.
5. Scroll left or right to adjust the volume level.
6. Press <OK>.
7. Press <Options> Save.
To adjust the volume of voice during a call
While a call is in progress, press the volume key up or
down to adjust the earpiece volume.
Change your ringtone
1. In Menu mode, select SettingsPhone proles.
2. Scroll to the phone prole you are using.
3. Press <Options> → Edit.
4. Select Incoming call Voice call ringtone.
5. Select a ringtone category → a ringtone.
6. Press <Options> → Save.
Call a recently dialled number
1. In Idle mode, press [ ].
2. Scroll left or right to select a call type.
3. Scroll up or down to select a number or name.
4. Press the Conrm key to view details of the call or
[ ] to dial the number.
Enter text
To change the text input mode
Press and hold [ ] to switch to an input mode.
Depending on your region, you may be able to
access an input mode for your specic language.
Press [ ] to change case or switch to Number mode.
Press and hold [ ] to switch to Symbol mode.
T9 mode
1. Press the appropriate alphanumeric keys to enter an
entire word.
2. When the word displays correctly, press [ ] to insert
a space.
ABC mode
Press the appropriate alphanumeric key until the
character you want appears on the display.
Number mode
Press the appropriate alphanumeric key to enter a
Symbol mode
Press the appropriate alphanumeric key to select a
To move the cursor, press the navigation key.
To delete characters one by one, press <Clear>. To
delete all of the characters, press and hold <Clear>.
To insert a space between characters, press [ ].
To enter punctuation marks, press [1].
Add a new contact
1. In Idle mode, enter a phone number and press
<Options> → Add to Phonebook.
2. Select a memory location (phone or SIM) New.
3. Select a number type (if necessary).
4. Enter contact information.
5. Press <Options> → Save to add the contact to
Install the SIM card and battery
1. Remove the battery cover and insert the SIM card.
2. Insert the battery and replace the battery cover.
Charge the battery
1. Plug the supplied travel adapter.
2. When charging is nished, unplug the travel adapter.
Do not remove the battery from the phone before
unplugging the travel adapter rst. Otherwise, the phone
may be damaged.
Send and view messages
To send a text message
1. In Menu mode, select Messages
Create messageMessage.
2. Enter a destination number.
3. Scroll down and enter the message text.
4. Press <Options> → Send to send the message.
To view text messages
1. In Menu mode, select Messages Inbox.
2. Select a text message.
Use the camera
Capture photos
1. In Menu mode, select Camera.
2. Aim the lens at the subject and make any
3. Press the Conrm key to take a photo.
4. Press < > to take another photo (step 2).
View photos
In Menu mode, select My les Images
My photos a photo le.
Activate the mobile tracker
This feature helps track your phone when it is stolen
or when someone tries to use your phone using other
SIM card, the phone will automatically send the preset
tracking message to family or friends. This feature may
be unavailable due to certain features supported by your
service provider.
1. In Menu mode, select SettingsSecurity
Mobile tracker.
2. Enter your password and press <Conrm>.
3. Scroll left or right to On.
4. Scroll down and press the Conrm key to open the
recipient list.
5. Press <Options> Phonebook to open your
contact list.
6. Scroll to a contact and press the Conrm key .
7. When you are nished selecting contacts, press
<Select> to return to the recipient list.
8. Press the Conrm key to save the recipients.
9. Scroll down and enter the sender's name.
10. Press the Conrm key → <Accept>.
Activate and send an SOS message
In an emergency, you can send SOS messages to your
family or friends for help.
To activate the SOS message
1. In Menu mode, select Messages SOS messages
Sending options.
2. Scroll left or right to On.
3. Scroll down and press the Conrm key to open the
recipient list.
4. Press <Options> → Phonebook to open your
contact list.
5. Scroll to a contact and press the Conrm key.
6. When you are nished selecting contacts, press
<Done> to return to the recipient list.
7. Press <Options> → OK to save the recipients
8. Scroll down and set the number of times to repeat the
SOS message.
9. Press <Save>.
To send an SOS message
1. With the keys locked, press the volume key four
times to send an SOS message to preset numbers.
The phone switches to SOS mode and sends the
preset SOS message.
2. To exit SOS mode, press [ ].
Volume key
In ldle mode, adjust the key tone
volume; Send an SOS message
Activate and send an SOS
4-way navigation key
In ldle mode, access user-dened
menus; In Menu mode, scroll
through menu options
Dial key
Make or answer a call; In Idle
mode, retrieve recently dialled,
missed, or received numbers
Voice mail service key
In ldle mode, access voice mails
(press and hold)
Keypad lock key
In idle mode, lock the keys.
(Press and hold)
Perform actions indicated at the
bottom of the display
Power/Menu exit key
Turn the phone on and off (press
and hold); End a call; In Menu
mode, cancel input and return to
Idle mode
Conrm key
In Idle mode, access Menu mode;
In Menu mode, select the focused
menu option or conrm an input
Alphanumeric keys
Silent prole key
In ldle mode, activate or deactivate
the Silent prole (press and hold)
Your phone displays the following status indicators
on the top of the screen:
Icon Description
Signal strength
GPRS network connected
EDGE network connected
Call in progress
Call diverting active
SOS message feature activated
Alarm activated
Connecting to secured web page
Bluetooth activated
New text message (SMS)
New multimedia message (MMS)
New voice mail message
New e-mail message
Memory card inserted
Normal prole activated
Battery power level
Battery cover
SIM card
To AC power outlet
Set and use alarms
To set a new alarm
1. In Menu mode, select Alarms.
2. Scroll to an empty alarm location and press the
Conrm key.
3. Set alarm details.
4. Press <Options> → Save.
To stop an alarm
When the alarm sounds,
Press any key to stop an alarm without snooze.
Press <OK> or the Conrm key to stop an alarm
with snooze, or press <Snooze> or any key to
silence the alarm for the snooze period.
To deactivate an alarm
1. In Menu mode, select Alarms.
2. Scroll to the alarm you want to deactivate and press
the Conrm key.
3. Scroll left or right to Off.
4. Press <Options> Save.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung GT-S3310

Samsung GT-S3310 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Samsung GT-S3310 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

Samsung GT-S3310 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 2 pagina's

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