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: Nominal specification
Power Requirements
Power Consumption
Operating Temperature Range
Operating Humidity Range
CD : 12Cm
CD : 8Cm
VCD : 12Cm
Composite Video
2 channel
*Frequency Response
*S/N Ratio
*Dynamic Range
*Total Harmonic Distortion
AC 100-240V, 50/60 Hz
16 W
1.1 Kg (without battery pack)
267mm(W) x 180mm(D) x 23.5mm(H)
+5°C to +35°C
10 % to 75 %
Reading Speed : 3.49 m/sec.
Approx. Play Time
(Single Sided, Single Layer Disc) : 135 min.
Reading Speed : 1.2 to 1.4 m/sec.
Maximum Play Time : 74 min.
Reading Speed : 1.2 to 1.4 m/sec.
Maximum Play Time : 20 min.
Reading Speed : 1.2 to 1.4 m/sec.
Maximum Play Time : 74 min. (Video + Audio)
1 channel : 1.0 Vp-p (75 load)
Luminance Signal : 1.0 Vp-p (75 load)
Chrominance Signal : 0.286 Vp-p (75 load)
L(1/L), R(2/R)
48 kHz Sampling : 4 Hz to 22 kHz
96 kHz Sampling : 4 Hz to 44 kHz
110 dB
100 dB
0.004 %
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd reserves the right to change the specifications without notice.
• Weight and dimensions are approximate.
Agaphtoiv pelavteı,
Saı eucaristouvme gia thn empistosuvnh pou deivxate sthn SAMSUNG
me thn agorav authvı thı suskeuhvı.
To proi>ovn autov thı SAMSUNG eivnai egguhmevno gia perivodo dwvdeka
(12) mhnwvn apov thn pragmatikhv hmeromhniva agoravı tou gia
antallaktikav kai ergatikav.
Sthn perivptwsh pou qa creiasteiv episkeuhv, to proi>ovn autov thı
SAMSUNG qa prevpei na staleiv sto exousiodothmevno service.
Exousiodothmevnoi antiprovswpoi kai exousiodothmevna kevntra service
thı SAMSUNG, se avlleı Eurwpai¨kevı cwvreı, qa apodectouvn touı
ovrouı thı egguvhshı sthn cwvreı ovpou evcei agorasteiv to proi>ovn.
Plhroforiveı gia ta exousiodothmevna kevntra service mporeivte na
pavrete apov thnÚ
17o clm. Eqnikhvı Odouv Aqhnwvn - Aamivaı
145 10 Khfisiav
Thl. 620.32.46/-7/-8
1. H egguvhsh iscuvei eavn kai movnon ovtan to proi>ovn creiavzetai service
kai h egguhtikhv kavrta evcei plhvrwı sumplhrwqeiv kai proskomisqeiv
maziv me to pragmatikov
timolovgio hv thn apovdeixh plhrwmhvı kai o ariqmovı tou proi¨ovntoı
eivnai eukrinhvı.
2. H upocrevwsh thı SAMSUNG aforav movno thn episkeuhv tou
3. H episkeuhv tou proi>ovntoı prevpei na anativqetai se exousiodothmev-
na kevntra service hv se exousiodothmevnouı antiproswvpouı thı
SAMSUNG. Kammiva apovzhmivwsh den qa givnei apodekthv gia
episkeuevı pou evcoun givnei apov mh exousiodothmevna apov thn
SAMSUNG sunergeiva hv antiproswvpouı, kaqwvı epivshı kai gia
kavqe episkeuhv kai zhmiveı pou proklhvqhkan katav thn episkeuhv authv
pou den kaluvptontai apov tou” ovrouı thı egguhvsewı.
4. To proi>ovn autov den qa qewrhqeiv ellatwmatikov sta ulikav hv sthn
ergasiva kataskeuhvı eavn qa prevpei na prosarmosteiv, metatrapeiv hv
ruqmisteiv wvste na summorfwqeiv me tiı eqnikevı hv topikev” tecnikevı
prodiagrafevı hv prodiagrafevı pou iscuvoun se opoiadhvpote cwvha
avllh ap j authv gia thn opoiva prooriıovtan kai kataskeuavsthke.
H egguvhsh authv den kaluvptei apozhmiwvseiı giaÚ
a) Belovneı kai kefaleı pik-ap
b) kefalevı video kai kasetofwvnwn
g) kefalevı camcordor
d) gennhvtrieı aktivnwn laser sta compact disk
e) thleceiristhvria
st) lucniveı fouvrnwn mikrokumavtwn
z) prosarmogevı, metatropeı hv ruqmivseiı hv prospavqeieı proı touvto,
anexavrthta tou eavn hvnan epituceiı hv anepituceivı ouvte opoiadhvpote
zhmiva pou eivnai apotevlesma touı.
5. H egguvhsh authv den kaluvptei kammiva apov tiı pio kavtw periptwvseiıÚ
A. Periodikouvı elevcouı, sunthvrhsh kai episkeuhv hv antikatavstash
merwvn pou ofeivlontai se fusiologikhv fqorav.
B. Ta evxoda kai touı kinduvnouı metaforavı pou scetivzontai me thn
egguvhsh autouv pou proi¨ovntoı.
G. Zhmiva se autov to proi>ovn tou proevrcetai apovÚ
1) Katavcrhsh hv kakhv crhvsh, sumperilambanomevnhı allav kai mh
periorismevnhı seÚ
a. mh crhvsh autouv tou proivovntoı gia touı skopouvı pou
fusiologikav proorivzetai hv suvmfwna me tiı odhgiveı crhvsewı
gia thn swsthv crhvsh kai sunthvrhsh autouv tou proi>ovntoı kai
b. thn egkatavstash kai crhvsh tou proi>ovntoı me trovpo pou
antivkeitai stiı tecnikevı prodiagrafevı asfaleivaı pou
iscuvoun sthn cwvra ovrou crhsimopoieivtai to proi¨ovn.
2) Episkeuevı pou evginan apov mh exousiodothmevna ergasthvria
3) Atuchvmata, qeomhniveı hv opoiadhvpote aitiva pevra tou elevgcou
thı SAMSUNG sumperilambanomevnwn allav mh periorizomevnwn
twn keraunwvn, tou nerouv, thı fwtiavı, twn dhmovsiwn anataracwvn
kai tou kakouv aerismouv.
4) H egguvhsh authv den ephreavzei ta dikaiwvmata tou katanalwthv
pou problevpontai apov thn efarmosteva eqnikhv nomoqesiva pou
iscuvei, ouvte ta dikaiwvmata tou katanalwthv enantivon tou
lianopwlhthv pou aporrevoun apov thn suvmbash pwvlhsh”.
5) Se perivptwsh pou den upavrcei eqnikhvn omoqesiva, authv h
egguvhsh qa eivnai h monadikhv kai apokleistikhv kavluyh tou
katanalwthv, kai ouvte h SAMSUNG ouvte h qugatrikhv thı, o
antiprovswpoı thı pou anagravfetai se authv thn Kavrta
Egguvhshı, qa euquvnetai gia kavqe qetikhv hv apoqematikhv zhmiva
gia evlleiyh kavqe rhthvı hv nomizovmenhı idiovthtaı tou proi>ovntoı.

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Samsung DVD-L100W Gebruiksaanwijzing - English, Espanôl - 70 pagina's

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