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Cooking Guide (continued)
Put 50 g butter into a small deep glass dish. Cover with plastic lid.
Heat for 30-40 seconds using 900 W, until butter is melted.
Put 100 g chocolate into a small deep glass dish.
Heat for 3-5 minutes, using 450 W until chocolate is melted.
Stir once or twice during melting. Use oven gloves while taking out!
Put 20 g crystallized honey into a small deep glass dish.
Heat for 20-30 seconds using 300 W, until honey is melted.
Lay dry gelatine sheets (10 g) for 5 minutes into cold water.
Put drained gelatine into a small glass pyrex bowl.
Heat for 1 minute using 300 W.
Stir after melting.
Mix instant glaze (approximately 14 g) with 40 g sugar and 250 ml cold water.
Cook uncovered in a glass pyrex bowl for 3 ½ to 4 ½ minutes using 900 W,
until glaze/icing is transparent. Stir twice during cooking.
Put 600 g fruits (for example mixed berries) in a suitable sized glass
pyrex bowl with lid. Add 300 g preserving sugar and stir well.
Cook covered for 10-12 minutes using 900 W.
Stir several times during cooking. Empty directly into small jam
glasses with twist-off lids. Stand on lid for 5 minutes.
Mix pudding powder with sugar and milk (500 ml) by following the
manufacturers instructions and stir well. Use a suitable sized glass pyrex
bowl with lid. Cook covered for 6 ½ to 7 ½ minutes using 900 W.
Stir several times well during cooking.
Spread 30 g sliced almonds evenly on a medium sized ceramic plate.
Stir several times during browning for 3 ½ to 4 ½ minutes using 600 W.
Let it stand for 2-3 minutes in the oven. Use oven gloves while taking out!
Cleaning Your Microwave Oven
The following parts of your microwave oven should be cleaned
regularly to prevent grease and food particles from building up:
Inside and outside surfaces
Door and door seals
Turntable and Roller rings
ALWAYS ensure that the door seals are clean and the door
closes properly.
Failure to maintain the oven in a clean condition could lead to
deterioration of the surface that could adversely affect the of the
appliance and possibly result in a hazardous situation.
1. Clean the outside surfaces with a soft cloth and warm, soapy water. Rinse and
2. Remove any splashes or stains on the inside surfaces or on the roller ring with
a soapy cloth. Rinse and dry.
3. To loosen hardened food particles and remove smells, place a cup of diluted
lemon juice on the turntable and heat for ten minutes at maximum power.
4. Wash the dishwasher-safe plate whenever necessary.
DO NOT spill water in the vents. NEVER use any abrasive
products or chemical solvents. Take particular care when
cleaning the door seals to ensure that no particles:
Prevent the door from closing correctly

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung C109STT

Samsung C109STT Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 36 pagina's

Samsung C109STT Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 36 pagina's

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