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English 27
05 Setup
Initial Settings
Turn on your TV after connecting the player.
When you connect the player to a TV for the
first time, player turns on automatically and
the Initial Settings screen appears.
Press the ▲▼◄► buttons to select the
desired language, and then press the ENTER
Press the ENTER button to select Start.
Press the ▲▼ buttons to select the desired
TV Aspect Ratio, and then press the ENTER
button. (See page 30)
Press the ▲▼ buttons to select the desired
Network Settings : Wired, Wireless
(General), WPS(PBC) or One Foot
Connection, and then press the ENTER
button. If you do not know the details of your
Network Settings, press the BLUE (D) button
on your remote instead to skip Network
Settings here, finish the Initial Settings, and go
to the Home menu.
If you selected a Network Setting, go to
pages 36~40 for more information about the
Network settings. When done, go to Step 6.
The Home menu appears. (For more
information about the Home menu, please
see page 28.)
Home Menu
When the player is connected to the TV for the first
time, the player turns on automatically. This is not a
The Home menu will not appear if you do not
configure the initial settings except as noted below.
If you press the BLUE (D) button during the network
setup, you can access the Home menu even if the
network setup is not completed yet.
If you want to display the Initial Setting screen again
to make changes, select the Reset option. (See page
If you use an HDMI cable to connect the player to an
Anynet+(HDMI-CEC)-compliant Samsung TV and
1.) You have set the Anynet+(HDMI-CEC) feature
to On in both the TV and the player and 2.) You have
set the TV to a language supported by the player,
the player will select that language as the preferred
language automatically.
If you leave the player in the stop mode for more
than 5 minutes without using it, a screen saver will
appear on your TV. If the player is left in the screen
saver mode for more than 20 minutes, the power
will automatically turn off.
My Devices Internet Settings
My Contents
Initial Settings | On-Screen Language
Select a language for the on-screen displays.
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01995J-BD-D5500-XN-ENG.indb 27 2011-02-26 오전 1:15:44

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