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Chapter 6
SDXC (Secure Digital eXtended Capacity)
SDXC provides a higher capacity and speed than the SDHC
specication. This is a new SD card specication that can
theoretically implement a memory capacity up to 2TB.
For high capacity implementation, apply the exFAT specications.
In general, a server refers to a computer that provides shared
resources for network users.
This refers to setting a resource of a computer such as a folder or
printer so that other users can also use it.
Shared Folder
A folder that can be used by other users on the network.
Sleep Mode
A power mode that enables computers to save power consumption
when they are not being used. When a computer is in Sleep Mode,
the data on the computer memory is not saved to the hard disk. If
the power is turned o, the data in memory will be lost.
System File
System Files refer to les that are read and used by the Windows
operating system. In general, system les must not be deleted or
This is a 4 byte (32 bit) address system separated into each byte
(8 bits) by a dot and each byte is represented as a decimal number.
USB (Universal Serial Bus)
This refers to a serial interface standard developed to replace the
conventional interface standards such as Serial and PS/2.
The data transmission specications are one of the interface
standards used to connect a computer to peripheral devices.
These specications include USB 1.0, 1.1, 2.0 and 3.0.
It is appropriate to support peripheral devices that require high
data rates such as an AV device, secondary HDD or CD-RW.
The higher the version (e.g. USB 3.0), the higher the data rate
Windows Media Player
A multimedia program included with Windows. Using this
program, you can play a media le, create an audio CD, listen to a
radio broadcast, search and manage media les, and copy les to a
portable device, etc.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung ATIV Book 9 Lite - NP905S 3G

Samsung ATIV Book 9 Lite - NP905S 3G Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 149 pagina's

Samsung ATIV Book 9 Lite - NP905S 3G Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 148 pagina's

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