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Disc Type and Characteristics
Your DVD player is capable of playing discs with the following logos.DVD-A500 has the capability to produce near-theater-quality sound and excellent video with all-in-one system
included 5 channel amplifier and DVD player.
General Features
Excellent Sound
96KHz 24bit D/A Converting System provides a realis-
tic ambiance and lifelike playback.
Video with MPEG2 compression technology. Both reg-
ular and wide screen(16:9) pictures can be viewed.
Slow Motion
An important scene can be viewed in slow motion.
Programmed Play
You can program tracks to play in desired order.
Parental Level Control
The parental level control allows users to set the level
necessary to prohibit children from viewing harmful
movies such as those with violence, adult subject
matter, etc.
Various On-Screen Menu Functions
You can select various languages(Audio/Subtitle) and
screen angles while enjoying movies.
You can repeat a song or movie simply by pressing the
REPEAT button.
5 Channel Amplifier
200 watt (5 channels by 8 , 40 watts) Class AB
5.1 Channel DTS Decoder
Digital Theater Systems is recognized around the
world for providing the finest surround sound digital
audio tracks ever developed for motion pictures. The
Digital Theater Systems provides six channels of mas-
ter quality, 20-bit audio.
You can enjoy DTS sound when connecting the player
to speakers without a separate DTS decoder.
5.1 Channel Dolby Digital Decoder
Only when the player is connected to speakers, the
built-in Dolby Digital Decoder makes it possible to
reproduce 5.1 Channel Dolby Digital Sound.
Dolby Pro Logic Decoder
When the videotape encoded with Dolby Pro Logic is
played on a Stereo VCR and connected to VCR input
jacks or Dolby Pro Logic system is inputted to TV/AUX
input jacks, you can enjoy Dolby Surround Sound on
your home theater system from videotapes.
Digital Sound Field Effect
You can enjoy various sounds when listening to 2
channel soundtracks and external input (VCR,
TV/AUX). There are Natural, Concert and Stadium
Disc Markings
• Region Code of DVDs
you can play on this unit.
• PAL broadcast
system in U.K,
France, Ger-
many, etc.
• Dolby Digital
• Digital Audio
• Stereo disc • DTS disc
*DO NOT play CD-ROM, CD-I, CD-R and DVD-ROM in this player! (CDGs play audio only, not graphics.)
• Many DVD discs are encoded with copy protection. Because of this, you should only connect your DVD player directly to
your TV, not to a VCR. Connecting to a VCR results in a distorted picture from copy-protected DVD discs.
This product incorporates copyright protection technology that is protected by methods claims of certain U.S. patents and other intellectual
property rights owned by Macrovision Corporation and other rights owners. Use of this copyright protection technology must be authorized by
Macrovision Corporation, and is intended for home and other limited viewing uses only unless otherwise authorized by Macrovision
Corporation. Reverse engineering or disassembly is prohibited.
12 cm
8 cm
240 min.
480 min.
80 min.
160 min.
• An LP is recorded as an analog sig-
nal with more distortion. CD is
recorded as a Digital Signal with
better audio quality, less distortion
and less deterioration of audio qual-
ity over time.
Video with CD sound, VHS quality
& MPEG1 compression technology.
• DVD contains excellent sound and
video due to Dolby Digital and
MPEG2 system.
Various screen and audio functions
can be easily selected through the
on-screen menu.
12 cm
8 cm
74 min.
20 min.
12 cm
8 cm
74 min.
20 min.
Disc Types
Disc Size
Playback Region Number
Both the DVD player and the discs are coded by region. These regional codes must match in order for the disc to play. If the codes do not
match, the disc will not play.
The Region Number for this player is described on the rear panel of the player.
Your DVD player has a region code printed on the back of the unit and will only play DVDs that are labled with
identical region codes.
2 channel RCA
5.1 channel
Speaker Terminals &
Sub Woofer
Dolby Digital
No Yes
Yes Ye s
DVD-A500(GB)Asia 2000/4/24 5:36 PM Page 6

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