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Problem Meaning / Solution
The eject key is not working
See if the Drive is on.
If the disc still won't eject with the power-on, remove USB cable,
Power cord and insert an eject pin into the emergency eject hole to
The PC is not working properly.
See if the drive is properly connected to the PC.
See if the floppy disc remains in the PC.
The drive is not working properly.
See if the drive is connected properly to the PC.
See if the device drive program has been installed properly.
No sound is heard from an audio
Check that the sound card is operational.
Check the condition of the CD and wipe the surface of the CD
clean before use.
The computer doesn't recognize
the drive.
USB cable is not connected properly between the computer USB port
and the drive .
Ensure that both connectors of the USB cable is properly connected
to the USB ports on the computer and the drive.
Can be an OS problem. Try to reinstall the Windows OS program.
The system dosen't read the disc.
See if the system detects the drive.
Make sure you use the types of discs that are supported by the drive.
See if the LED turns into green.
Make sure you inserted the disc with the label facing up.
Make sure you are using the right program for disc playback.
See if the disc is clean.
See if any congealing has occurred.
Make sure the region code of the drive matches the disc number.
You can confirm the use of software at the site of our customer support.
Address: www.samsung-ODD.com
- See “ Support > Download center > User Manual ”.
페이지 1 / 1SAMSUNG DVD±R/RW Drive User's Manual
10/9/2008file://C:₩Documents and Settings₩황 정민₩바탕 화면₩Tru진행중- 인도향 SE-S084B ...

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