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L1200 and L2000 Input and Output Connections
The L Series mixers offer plenty of mono mic/line
and stereo line input channels, twelve on the L1200
and twenty on the L2000’s, for connecting a variety
of signal sources from microphones to line level
devices such as synthesizers, drum machines and
direct boxes. The mono mic/line inputs each have
a LINE level, Hi-Z (High Impedance) input, a MIC
level, Low-Z (Low Impedance) input; and an Insert
connector for effects. Both LINE and MIC inputs are
balanced, with MIC inputs compatible with micro-
phones of output impedance 50-600 Ohms and
LINE inputs compatible with line level devices of 600
Ohms. Following is a description of the Mic/Line
input connectors:
1 - MIC - Microphone Input
Use these inputs to connect Low Impedance micro-
phones and low-level signals from direct boxes.
The MIC inputs have a nominal operating level of
–50dBV through -20dBV. The MIC inputs also feature
+48V phantom power, allowing you to use condens-
er microphones. The Phantom Power is switched
on/off simultaneously for channels 1 through 12(20).
XLR connector pin-out - Pin 1: Ground, Pin 2: Hot (+),
Pin 3: Cold (-)
2 – LINE - Line Level Input
Use these inputs to connect high impedance micro-
phones, synthesizers and drum machines. The LINE
inputs have a nominal operating level of -40dBV
through - 10dBV. TRS phone jack connector pin-out
- Sleeve: Ground, Tip: Hot (+), Ring: Cold (-)
NOTE: It is not possible to simultaneously use both
the LINE and MIC inputs on the same channel. For
each channel, use only one of the inputs as appro-
priate for the input source.
3 – INSERT - Send and Return jack
The L1200 and L2000 have a 1/4-inch, TRS (TIP/
RING/SLEEVE) Insert jack for connecting outboard
effects processors directly on the channel input. The
signal is sent on the tip (the Send) and returns on
the ring (the Return) of the connector.
Stereo Input Channels - 1/4-inch and XLR
Each of the L Series mixers has two stereo line level
input channels for connecting stereo signals like
those from CD or MP3 players, electronic keyboards,
drum machines and other line level signals. The two
stereo inputs also include an extra mic preamplifier.
Use these for connecting stereo signals like those
from CD or MP3 players, electronic keyboards, drum
machines and other line level signals. Following is a
description of the Mic/Line input connectors:
4 - Stereo Inputs - 1/4-inch jacks
The L1200 and L2000 have two pairs of 1/4-inch
jacks for connecting stereo line level sources. For
stereo inputs use the LINE L to connect the left chan-
nel and the LINE R to connect the right channel.
Use these inputs to connect high impedance micro-
phones, synthesizers and drum machines. The LINE
inputs have a nominal operating level of -40dBV
through - 10dBV. TRS phone jack connector pin-out
- Sleeve: Ground, Tip: Hot (+), Ring: Cold (-)
5 - XLR mic input
Use these inputs to connect Low Impedance micro-
phones and low-level signals from direct boxes.
The MIC inputs have a nominal operating level of
–50dBV through -20dBV. The MIC inputs also feature
+48V phantom power, allowing you to use condens-
er microphones. The Phantom Power is switched
on/off simultaneously for channels 1 through 12(20).
XLR connector pin-out - Pin 1: Ground, Pin 2: Hot (+),
Pin 3: Cold (-)

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samson L2000

Samson L2000 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 24 pagina's

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