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Controls and Functions
16 17
The L1200 and L2000 feature built-in, 24 Bit Digital Multi-
effects Processor(s) with 100 dazzling, studio quality
effects like Delay, Chorus, Flanging and lush Reverbs
including Halls, Plates and Rooms. In addition, there are
multi-effects presets that have two effects combined
together. For example, Delay and Reverb or Reverb and
Chorus, to name a few. The following section describes
the features control knobs and layout of the powerful on-
board digital Multi-effects section.
16 - Program Effects Display
The L Series mixers Multi-effects Processors feature a
dual digit, seven-segment numerical Effects Display for
showing the effects PROGRAM number from 00 - 99. You
will see the PROGRAM numbers change as you scroll
through the effects pre-set using the DSP SELECT control.
When the Effects Display shows two straight lines through
the center of each segment, the effects are turned off
and the EFX ON switch is in the out position. See section
number 25 below.
17 - Effect PROGRAM List
This section identifies the ten banks of built-in DSP
effects presets. The first bank of 10 presets have been
programmed with common effects for live performance,
and the following banks are set up in groups by the types
of effects.
18- SELECT control knob
The SELECT control knob is a continuously variable
encoder, or tweaker, that allows you to call up one of
the 100 built-in digital effects presets. Simply rotate the
SELECT knob to scroll through the preset programs using
the Effects Display to choose the effect number you want.
19 – EFX ON switch
The EFX ON switch is used to turn the internal Digital
Effect on and off. The effects are by-passed when the
switch is in the out position and the Effects Display shows
two dashes.
20 – TO MAIN- Effects Return Control
The TO MAIN control is used to adjust the level of the
effects from the built-in digital Multi-effect that’s being
sent to the MAIN bus. This allows you to add the DSP
effects to the signal in your house speakers. Turn this
knob up if you want to hear the effect in the MAIN mix.
21 – TO AUX 3- Effects Return Control
The TO AUX 3 control is used to adjust the level of the
effects from the built-in digital Multi-effect being that’s
being sent to the AUX 3 monitor bus. This allows you
to add the DSP effects to the signal in your monitor
speakers. Turn this knob up if you want to hear the effect
in the AUX 3 monitor mix.

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Samson L2000 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 24 pagina's

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