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JG Boiler Receiver Reduced.qxp_Layout 1 24/11/2014 10:17 Page 4
JG Boiler Receiver Reduced.qxp_Layout 1 24/11/2014 10:17 Page 4
Wireless Receiver Unit
Models: RX10RF
SALUS Controls plc
Dodworth Business Park South,
Whinby Road,
Dodworth, Barnsley S75 3SP, UK.
SALES: T: +44 (0) 1226 323961
E: sales@salus-tech.com
TECHNICAL: T: +44 (0) 1226 323961
E: tech@salus-tech.com
For PDF Installation guide please go to
Maintaining a policy of continuous product development SALUS
Controls plc reserve the right to change specication, design and
materials of products listed in this brochure without prior notice.
SALUS Controls is a member of the Computime Group
00086/2 Issue Date: Dec 2016
SALUS Controls warrants that this product will be free from any defect in materials or
workmanship, and shall perform in accordance with its specication, for a period of ve
years from the date of installation. SALUS Controls sole liability for breach of this warranty
will be (at its option) to repair or replace the defective product.
Customer Name: ..........................................................................................................
Customer Address: .......................................................................................................
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Tel No: .................................................... Email: ..........................................................
Engineers Company: ....................................................................................................
Tel No: .................................................... Email: ..........................................................
Instalation Date: ..........................................................................................................
Engineers Name: .........................................................................................................
Engineers Signature: ...................................................................................................
Model RX10RF
Type Wired system receiver designed for 230VAC
heating applications
Control ON-OFF control
Environment Ratings
Operating Temperature 0 ºC to +50 ºC
Storage Temperature -20 ºC to +60 ºC
Operating Humidity 5-95 %RH
Switch Voltage 0-230VAC 16AMP
Power Source 230Vac 50Hz
User Interface Slide switch, Bi Colour LED, RED/GREEN
Operating Temperature 0 to 50 ºC
Storage Temperature -20ºC to 60ºC
Frequency 2.4 GHz
Approval CE
Terminal Function
COM Common Contact (volt free input)
NO Normally Open Contact (volt free output)
Earth Parking
L Incoming Mains - Live
N Incoming Mains - Neutral
Clip the front of the unit back on
by aligning the ttings and
pushing into place.
Securely screw the front of
the receiver in place.
Wire up the receiver using
one of the schematics*.
Loosen the screws at the bottom
of the receiver unit.
Unclip the front of the unit.
Fit the back of the receiver unit to the
wall using the ttings supplied.
Ensure Coordinator
is powered up and
ready for pairing.
Reset Button
If for any reason the system receiver stops operating, press
reset and check system operation.
as RX2
as RX1
Replacing the System Receiver
If for any reason the system receiver needs to be removed/
replaced, press the delete from network.
Electrical Connection
Schematics Power Up
The RX10RF Receiver should be mounted in a suitable location that is both accessible
for the connection of mains and control wiring, and allows good reception of the RF
signal. The Receiver needs a 230V AC mains supply to operate, and this should be
fused appropriately (16A max.).
The Receiver should be mounted in a location where it will not come into contact
with water, moisture or condensation. There are few electrical connections required
to the RX10RF, and these connections should be made to the terminal block inside
the Receiver. No Earth connection is required for the correct and safe operation of the
RX10RF, but a parking terminal is provided to connect an Earth wire if one is present.
*For use without internet.
Power up the receiver.
The red light will ash.
When the receiver has successfully joined the
Zigbee network, the red LED will go steady.
Please refer to VS10/VS20RF manual for system
Once your system
setup is complete,
remember to take
the coordinator out
of pairing mode.

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