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ERT20T Triac Noiseless Electronic
Room Thermostat for Underfloor
Heating Applications, with Night
Setback input.
Product Compliance
This product complies with the essential requirements
of the following EC Directives:
• Electro-Magnetic Compatibility Directive 2004/108/EC
• Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EEC
• EC Marking Directive 93/68/EEC
These instructions are applicable to the Salus Controls
model stated on the front cover of this manual only, and
must not be used with any other make or model.
These instructions are intended to apply in the United
Kingdom only, and should be followed along with any
other statutory obligations.
This accessory must be fitted by a Competent person,
and installation must comply with the guidance
provided in the current editions of BS7671 (IEE Wiring
Regulations) and Part ‘P’ of the Building Regulations.
Failure to comply with the requirements of these
publications could lead to prosecution.
Always isolate the AC Mains supply before
opening or removing the unit from the wall or
wall box.
Please leave these instructions with the end user where
they should be kept in a safe place for future reference.
A thermostat is a device that is used to switch the
heating system in your home on and off as needed. It
works by sensing the air temperature and switching on
the heating when the air temperature falls below the
thermostat setting, and switching it off once the set
temperature has been reached.
The ERT20T Triac from Salus
Controls is a stylish and
accurate electronic thermostat
with a large, easy to adjust
setting dial. The thermostat
has been specifically designed
to be used in underfloor
heating applications.
Valve Protection Function (VPF)
2°C/4°C selectable Night Setback (NSB) function
Noiseless thermostat
Heat/Cool switch
PWM On/Off control
Local Mode and Communication Mode
Solid State (Triac) output
Stylish casing
User friendly
Please read the important safety information at the start
of this manual before you begin to install the device.
The ideal position to locate the ERT20T Triac electronic
room thermostat is about 1.5m above floor level. It
should be mounted in a location where the thermostat
is easily accessible, reasonably lit and free from extremes
of temperature.
The electrical connections to the ERT20T Triac are made
to the internal terminal strip. Connection details are
shown below - no Earth connection is required for the
correct and safe operation of the thermostat as the
device is double insulated.
Electrical Connections
Terminal Description Wiring Diagram
Switched Output
L Mains Live
N Mains Neutral
Night Setback (NSB
- 230V AC input)
After installing the ERT20T Triac in a suitable location,
wiring connections can be made as shown above. The
following criteria apply to the installation:
The incoming AC mains supply should be 230V AC and
fused at 2 amps.
• Optimum cable size for installation is 1.5 mm
; wiring
colours should be in accordance with the current
requirements of the IEE Wiring Regulations.
• All wiring connections should be securely made, and
be firmly terminated within each of the terminal screw
Do not restore the mains supply to the system until all
associated items are fully installed.
NOTE: All electrical installation work should be
carried out by a suitably qualified Electrician or
other competent person.
If you are not sure how to install this thermostat consult
either with a qualified electrician, heating engineer or
your boiler / heating system supplier for advice on how
to continue.
Do not remove or refit the ERT20T Triac
wiring without the mains supply to the
system being isolated.
Switch and Jumper Settings
Changes to the switch or jumper settings should
only be made by the Engineer carrying out the
installation or other qualified person.
The installer should select the switch or jumper positions
required if changes need to be made to the factory
default settings.
Switch Position Function
SW1 HEAT – Heating system (default)
COOL – Cooling system
Jumper Position Function
4C – 4 °C Setback (default)
2C - 2 °C Setback
PWM ON – PWM output (default)
OFF – On/Off output
VP ON - Enable (default)
OFF - Disable
NOTE: If switch SW1 is set to ‘Cool’, PWM mode is
automatically disabled. In this case the ERT20T Triac will
only operate in On-Off mode, even if the PWM jumper
is set in the ON position.
The ERT20T Triac can work by
itself,i.e DIP switch setting (this
is called Local Mode) and is
adjusted very easily by turning
the rotary dial on the front of
the thermostat to the required
temperature setting. To adjust
the set temperature, turn the
rotary dial to the left to set a lower temperature, or to
the right to set a higher temperature.
The orange Light Emitting Diode (LED) backlight will
light when the temperature is below the set value,
showing that the thermostat is calling for heat or
cooling from the system. Once the room reaches the set
temperature, the backlight will turn off.
All the other functions are controlled by use of the
switch or jumpers as described in the previous section –
a brief description of each function is given here.
The ERT20T Triac can be used in cooling as well as
heating applications. The operating mode can be
changed using the switch SW1 – if cooling mode is
selected, the PWM option is switched off automatically.
Night Setback(NSB)
Timed and demand-oriented heating control is one of
the best ways to manage heating energy in an
economical way. The ERT20T Triac has an integrated
temperature reduction (setback) function which allows
you to automatically reduce or increase the set
temperature by 2 °C or 4 °C, depending on whether the
ERT20T Triac is set for heating or cooling.
The Setback function is activated by an external signal
(e.g. signal from an external time clock or timer). The
Setback feature will only operate if a connection is
made to the Setback terminal .
If the terminal state is HIGH (above 175Vac) the Setback
temperature will be applied.
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM):
Heating systems can have a problem with overshoot
(rooms continue to be heated even after the set
temperature has been reached). The ERT20T Triac solves
this problem electronically using a method of control
called Pulse Width Modulation (PWM).
By continuously comparing the set temperature with
the actual temperature, the opening times for the
system valve actuators are regulated so that the set
temperature can be reached and regulated in a precise
and accurate way.
The PWM function only works when the ERT20T Triac is
set to operate in Heat mode.
Valve Protection (VP):
The Valve Protection (VP) function is provided as a way
to avoid the control valve from sticking or seizing when
not being used for long periods (e.g. during the
summer). When enabled, the VP function will turn on
the thermostat output to operate the control valve for
a period of 5 minutes every week.
The VP function will still operate even if the room
temperature is higher than 35 °C, and regardless of
whether the ERT20T Triac is set in Heat or Cool mode.
ERT20T Triac not only works by itself(Local Mode),but
also can be controlled by its master via Clock
terminal(communication),the external signal is 230Vac
constant voltage or pulse (this is called Communication
For example,you can connect ERT20T with ERT50T via
Clock terminal,in this network,ERT50T Triac is a master
and ERT20 is a slave.In this mode, the communication
between master and slave contains Heat/Cool+ Setback
2°C/4°C/off, the communication is not a simple voltage,
there are 6 kinds of commands, i.e. Heat+ setback off,
Heat + 4°C, Heat+2°C, Cool + setback off, Cool+4°C,
Cool+2°C, and the pulse width is different for the
different command. Even the setback is off, the master
still can control slave (still has Heat/Cool command).
One way to set and use your room thermostat is to find
the lowest temperature setting that you are
comfortable with, and then leave it set at this
temperature. You can do this by setting the room
thermostat to a low temperature, (for example 17 °C)
and then increasing the setting by one degree each day
until you are comfortable with the room temperature -
you won’t have to adjust the thermostat further, as
adjustment above this setting will waste energy: a 1 °C
increase in temperature is equal to 3% of your heating
The ERT20T Triac electronic room thermostat requires
no special maintenance. Periodically, the outer casing
can be wiped clean using a dry cloth (please DO NOT
use solvents, polishes, detergents or abrasive cleaners,
as these can damage the thermostat).
There are no user serviceable parts within the unit; any
servicing or repairs should only be carried out by Salus
Controls or their appointed agents.
Should the ERT20T Triac thermostat fail to function
correctly, check:
The ERT20T Triac temperature has been set correctly.
Heating system time switch or programmer
is switched on.
Salus Controls warrants that this product will be free
from any defect in materials or workmanship, and shall
perform in accordance with its specification, for a period
of two years from the date of purchase. Salus Controls
sole liability for breach of this warranty will be (at its
option) to repair or replace the defective product.
Product Specification
Model: ERT20T Triac
Type: Electronic room thermostat designed for
underfloor heating applications.
Control Method:
1. PWM control (default)
2. On – Off control
Temperature Measurement
Temperature setting range: 5.0 ºC – 30.0 ºC
Temperature setting accuracy: ± 1.0 ºC
Operating Temperature: 0ºC to + 40ºC
Storage Temperature: - 20ºC to + 60ºC
Salus Controls plc,
Salus House, Dodworth Business Park South,
Whinby Road, Dodworth, Barnsley S75 3SP
Sales Email: sales@salus-tech.com
Tel: +44 (0) 1226 323961 Fax: +44 (0) 1226 240588
Technical Email: tech@salus-tech.com
Tel: 01226 323961
Model No: ERT20T Triac
On Off
ERT20 Manual Ver003.qxd:Layout 1 13/5/11 09:15 Page 1

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