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Recommendations and safety instructions
Do not install your Web Tuner in a humid room (bathroom, laundry, kitchen, etc.), or within 1.50 m
of a tap or water source, or outside. Your Web Tuner should be used at an ambient temperature of
between 15 °C and 35 °C for optimum sound results.
Do not set up your Web Tuner in a dusty environment as dust deposits might adversely affect the
sound quality.
Avoid objects or liquids getting into the unit.
Unplug the power lead if the unit will not be used for a long period.
Do not handle your AC cord with wet hands. if liquid spills on your product, unplug immediately and
contact your dealer for cleaning instructions.
Only the power supply provided with the Web Tuner should be used. Connect this to the mains in
accordance with the installation instructions in this user guide and the information on the
identification label affixed to the power supply (voltage, current, mains frequency). As a precaution,
in case of danger, the mains adapters act as a disconnecting mechanism for the 230 V power
supply. They should be placed near the device and should be easily accessible.
Do not attempt to remove any screws or open the unit. No user serviceable parts are inside.
The length of the ethernet and USB cables used on this product shall not exceed 3m.
Do not connect your Web Tuner to an Ethernet Network leading outside your building. TThis device
must only be connected to an Ethernet Network inside your building.
This terminal was designed for private use inside a building (CPE customer premises equipment) in
the European Free Trade association (EFTA). It has been tested in accordance with the technical
provisions for radio equipment (EN 300328).
The radio frequency bands authorized for Wireless transmission depend on national regulations.
The installation of this terminal operating in the 2.4 GHz band is covered by the European
recommendation ERC 70-03.
Before use, make sure that the gateway with which you establish a wireless connection from your
terminal is set up in accordance with this regulation and with the national regulations where it is
Sagem Communications accepts no liability if the regulations in force on the installation site are not
complied with.
Some sensitive medical equipment and safety equipment may be affected by the radio-frequency
transmissions of your radio. In all cases, we ask that you respect the safety recommendations.
The device shall not permanently be installed or used closer than 20cm from the human body.
The CE marking certifies that the product meets the essential requirements of Directive 1999/5/CE
of the European Parliament and of the Council pertaining to microwave radio equipment and
telecommunication terminal equipment, for the safety and health of users, for electromagnetic
interference. Furthermore, it efficiently uses the frequency spectrum attributed to ground and spatial
communication to prevent damaging interference.
The declaration of compliance may be looked up on the www.sagem-communications.com site
or can be obtained from the following address:
Sagem Communications SAS
Customer relations department 4 rue du Petit Albi
95800 Cergy Saint-Christophe -France

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Andere handleiding(en) van Sagem my web tuner 500

Sagem my web tuner 500 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 67 pagina's

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