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1. Precautions
1.1. Safety
Respect all maintenance advice, safety precautions and instructions recommended in this user booklet
are for your safety and to prolong the working life of the equipment.
Warning concerning user and equipment safety.
Warning about the risk of electric shocks.
Indicates a hot surface.
Warning about the danger of the lamp depreciation
Safety regulations
This SAGEM AXIUM™ Home Cinema Screen is a class I appliance; it MUST be connected
to an electrical wall socket equipped with an earth
Your SAGEM AXIUM™ Home Cinema Screen is designed to function:
with a 220-240 V~, 50-60 Hz, AC (alternating current) network;
at an ambient temperature between +5°C and +35°C;
in areas with humidity less than 85%.
(For more details, see chapter 16).
To avoid danger of overheating or electrocution:
avoid direct exposure to sunlight and do not put naked flames or any other heat source
under the appliance;
do not expose the appliance to water drips or splashes;
do not place objects filled with liquid, such as flower vases, on the appliance;
do not expose the appliance to very dusty environments;
avoid shocks and vibrations.
You are recommended to disconnect the appliance from the power supply and the aerial:
during thunder storms;
when not used for long periods of time;
when the appliance is malfunctioning (see chapter 13).
Before connecting or changing any connections to an audio-video/computer source (DVD
player, PC, etc.), disconnect the power cord from each appliance.
Make sure that ventilation grills are not obstructed by objects such as newspapers, table
cloths, curtains etc.
To avoid electric shocks, do not insert foreign bodies, such as needles or coins into the
ventilation grills.
Leave a gap of at least 10 cm around the appliance to allow sufficient ventilation.
Before disconnecting the power lead, you are recommended to let the cooling fans of your
SAGEM AXIUM™ Home Cinema Screen work for a few minutes. This will increase its working
1. Precautions 2
1.1. Safety 2
1.2. Maintenance 3
2. Set Up 4
2.1. Fitting the speaker columns (optional) 4
2.2. Aerial connection 4
2.3. Mains connection 5
2.4. Switch on 5
2.5. Switching off your SAGEM AXIUM™ Home Cinema Screen 5
3. First Rapid Installation 6
4. Description of the buttons and indicator lights 6
4.1. Buttons the right side door 6
4.2. Front panel indicator lights and remote control receiver 7
5. Remote Control 7
6. Personalised settings 8
6.1. Changing the security code 8
6.2. Return to initial configuration 8
6.3. Searching TV programmes 8
6.3.1. Choice of country 8
6.3.2. Manual installation 9
6.3.3. Automatic installation 9
6.3.4. Modifying the programme list 9
6.4. Choose the MENU language 10
6.5. Setting for the economy mode 10
6.6. Setting for the SPDIF output 10
6.7. Adjusting the headphones output 11
6.8. Setting the speaker mode 11
6.9. Adjusting the Hi-Fi output 11
6.10. Exit stanby mode tuning 11
7. Connecting equipment and configurations 12
7.1. Connection advice 12
7.2. Source configuration 13
7.3. Configuration of computer sources 14
8. Day-to-day use 14
8.1. Picture adjustment 14
8.2. Sound adjustment 15
8.3. Sleep timer 16
8.4. Choice of sources 16
8.5. Choice of format 16
8.6. Programme information 17
8.7. Double picture mode selection 17
8.8. Choosing a TV programme 17
8.9. Picture hold 17
9. Teletext 18
10. NexTView EPG 19
10.1. Installation 19
10.2. Navigation 19
11. Compatibility with High Definition Television 20
12. HDCP 20
13. Diagnosing Trouble Shooting 21
14. Changing the lamp unit 22
15. Index 23
16. Technical characteristics 24
16.1. Overall view 25
Anglais LU 45 A5.qxd 06/10/2004 10:25 Page 1

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Sagem AXIUM_HDD45 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 14 pagina's

Sagem AXIUM_HDD45 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 14 pagina's

Sagem AXIUM_HDD45 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 14 pagina's

Sagem AXIUM_HDD45 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 14 pagina's

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