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User guide 13
Never touch the plugs or the connection sockets with wet hands.
Do not place objects on the power cord.
Do not override or disable electrical or mechanical interlocks.
Do not obstruct the ventilation openings.
Never push objects of any kind into slots or openings on the equipment.
Do not allow liquids to enter into the device. Disconnect the device from
the power socket if liquids or foreign objects have entered the device
and have your device examined by trained professionals at a technical
service location.
If any of the following conditions occur, disconnect the power cord from
the electrical outlet. Call an authorized local service representative to
correct the problem.
The equipment emits unusual noises or odors.
The power cord is damaged or frayed.
A wall panel circuit breaker, fuse, or other safety device has been
Liquid has spilled into the equipment.
The equipment is exposed to water.
Any part of the equipment is damaged.
Disconnect device: The power adaptor is the disconnect device for this
equipment. It is attached to the back of the machine as a plug-in device.
To remove all electrical power from the equipment, disconnect the power
adaptor from the electrical outlet.
Operator Accessible Areas
This equipment has been designed to restrict operator access to safe
areas only. Operator access to hazardous areas is restricted with covers
or guards, which would require a tool to remove. Never remove these
covers or guards.
Any operator product maintenance procedures will be described in the
customer documentation supplied with the product. Do not make any
repairs to the device yourself. Improper maintenance can result in injuries
or damage to the device. Only have your device repaired by an authorized
service centre.
Cleaning Your product
Before cleaning this product, unplug the product from the electrical outlet.
Always use materials specified for this product. The use of other materials
may result in poor performance and may create a hazardous situation. Do
not use aerosol cleaners, they may be explosive and flammable under
certain circumstances.
Sagem_Fax_ATA101S.book Page 13 Jeudi, 21. février 2008 5:09 17

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