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177Starting and driving
Recommendations for cars with manual
Rises in coolant temperature are indicated
by the temperature gauge in the main instru-
ment panel.
The following steps are taken in order as the
temperature of the engine increases:
A/C compressor is switched off.
engine torque is reduced.
When continuing your journey, select a gear
in which the engine speed is about
3,000 rpm until the incline eases.
Driving considerations
Always take extra care when towing a
trailer, as the car’s handling will be different
and its braking effect reduced. The trailer’s
braking system and suspension also have a
considerable effect on these characteris-
tics, see also ”Driving with a load” page 179.
If the car has automatic transmission, select
position D when ascending steep hills. This
ensures that the adaptive gear change pat-
terns are operational, see page 158. Use
position D or L for steep descents.
Checks before driving
Make sure that the car and camper or trailer
are in good working order. This is essential
since towing a camper or trailer increases
the strain on the car.
Check and if necessary adjust the tire
pressure of the car and camper or trailer.
Make sure all wheel bolts are properly
Make sure that the equipment joining the
car and camper or trailer is properly
secured and adjusted.
Make sure the camper or trailer’s electri-
cal cable is properly connected and is not
so long that it drags along the ground.
Also, make sure the cable is not too short
and risks breaking when turning a corner.
Check all bulbs.
Check the car and camper or trailer
Make sure that all items on or in the cara-
van or trailer are properly secured.
Make sure that the camper or trailer’s
jockey wheel is raised and locked.
Check the distribution of the load so that
the car and camper or trailer are well
Check that the rearview mirrors provide
the best possible rearward vision.
Make sure the camper or trailer’s safety
cable is correctly attached.
Utilize the braking effect of the engine
(1st, 2nd or 3rd gear) when you are
descending long or steep hills to spare
the brakes.
Brake failure can result from overheated
If the ”Automatic transmission 3, fault
indicator” indicator comes on, cease
towing until the problem has been recti-
95_US_MY09.book Page 177 Tuesday, April 15, 2008 11:03 AM

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