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121Interior equipment and trunk
Opening a garage door
To operate, simply press and release the
programmed button. Activation will now
occur for the trained device (i.e. garage door
opener, gate operator, security system,
entry door lock, home/office lighting, etc.).
For convenience, the hand-held transmitter
of the device may also be used at any time.
Rearview auto-dimming
The autodimming is activated and deacti-
vated with a short push on button 2.
If the mirror is equipped with Garage Door
Opener (option) the letter 1 is displayed on
compass bearing display briefly when auto
dimming is activated. When deactivating
the letter 0 is displayed.
The interior rearview mirror has two sen-
sors, one forward-facing and one rear-fac-
ing. They also activate and deactivate the
auto dimming feature on door mirrors.
The system is activated when the for-
ward-facing sensor detects that it is dark
outside and the rear-facing sensor detects.
For example, if the car following has not
dimmed its headlights. The rearview mirrors
are then darkened to prevent the strong light
source from dazzling the driver. This dark-
ening is stepless.
The mirrors return to their normal states
when the strong light source diminishes.
The auto dimming function can be turned
OFF with the switch on the lower edge of the
rear-view mirror.
Towing a trailer can cause the system to
malfunction, as the rear-facing sensor may
sense light from the trailer.
Switch off the power supply to the garage
door or gate (or park the car beyond the
range of the remote control) while pro-
gramming using the "cycling" method to
prevent damaging the electrical motor.
1 Forward-facing sensor
2 ON/OFF switch, auto dimming function
3 Rear-facing sensor
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)
this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)
must accept any interference received, including inter-
ference that may cause undesired operation.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the
manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate
the equipment.
Canada only:
This device complies with RSS-210 of Industry Canada.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)
this device may not cause interference, and (2) this
device must accept any interference, including interfer-
ence that may cause undesired operation of this device.
95_US_MY09.book Page 121 Tuesday, April 15, 2008 11:03 AM

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