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86 Instruments and controls
Calibration is carried out automatically after
a certain number of starts if the ignition has
been switched off for more than 2 hours.
If the battery has been disconnected or has
run flat, the system will need to be recali-
Calibration is started manually as follows:
1 Start the engine.
2 Press and at the same
When manual calibration starts,
appears in SID.
Calibration takes approx. 30 seconds.
Useful tips
(before taking the car to a workshop. We
recommend that you contact an authorized
Saab workshop.)
If the battery has been disconnected or
has run flat, the system will need to be
recalibrated. See "Calibration" above.
If front seat heating and/or rear window
heating do not function satisfactorily, see
"Adaptation of ACC" on page 85.
Condensation water
When the A/C system is running, the intake
air is dehumidified, and the resultant con-
densation is drained off through two outlets
underneath the floor of the car, in the vicinity
of the front doors.
It is therefore perfectly normal for water to
be seen dripping from these outlets when
the car is parked. The warmer the ambient
air and the higher the humidity, the more
condensation water will form.
Formation of ice and mist in
extreme weather conditions
It is only in the most extreme conditions that
icing and misting of window glass are likely
to be a problem, e.g. in torrential rain or
severe cold coupled with high relative
humidity, or when passengers are perspir-
ing heavily or wearing wet clothes.
The following measures are recommended
if such problems should occur:
1 Select AUTO and 21 °C for both temper-
ature zones.
2 Select Defroster.
If this is not enough...
3 Increase the fan speed.
If this is not enough...
4 Select a higher temperature.
The following measures are recommended
if the occupants feel that it is cold and
draughty in the car:
1 Make sure that all the air vents are fully
open, including the center rear vent. If
this is not enough...
2 Direct the air flow away from the body. If
this is not enough...
3 Raise the temperature setting a degree
or two. If this is not enough...
4 Lower the fan speed.
Troubleshooting and care, see page 244.
95_US_MY09.book Page 86 Tuesday, April 15, 2008 11:03 AM

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