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81Instruments and controls
Temperature control
The cabin is divided into two temperature
The driver’s zone
The passenger zone (front and rear
The desired temperature can be set
between 60 and 80°F.
The displayed temperature is not the abso-
lute temperature but corresponds to the
comfort level normally experienced at that
temperature after allowance has been
made for the air flow, relative humidity, solar
radiation, etc., currently prevailing inside
the car.
The most usual temperature setting is
64–76°F, depending on personal prefer-
ence and what clothing is worn.
To allow the system time to adjust,
changes in the temperature setting shall
only be made in steps of 2°F.
Once the desired climate has been
achieved, the rear center vents can be
closed to prevent warm air being distributed
at face height.
When the ignition is switched off, only the
temperature control affects the system the
next time the engine is started. The system
will warm up/cool down to the temperature
to which the control is set.
MAX heat, red indication
The MAX heat setting is obtained by turning
the temperature control to the first position
past 80 (to the red LED). The driver’s side
selection regulates air distribution and recir-
culation status. Temperature, however, can
be adjusted on the passenger side.
Settings when MAX heat is selected:
Maximum heat
Air distribution to windshield and floor
Recirculation OFF (even if manually
selected before)
Fan: high speed
MAX cooling, blue indicator
The MAX cooling setting is obtained by turn-
ing the temperature control to the first posi-
tion past 60 (to the blue LED). The driver’s
side selection regulates air distribution and
recirculation status. Temperature, however,
can be adjusted on the passenger side.
Settings when MAX cooling is selected:
Maximum cooling (A/C compressor will
run even if AC OFF manually selected
Air distribution through panel vents
Fan: maximum speed
Recirculation ON
Air vent at rear side window
95_US_MY09.book Page 81 Tuesday, April 15, 2008 11:03 AM

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