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123Interior equipment and trunk
Moonroof 3
The moonroof is operated by the switch on
the overhead panel above the rearview mir-
ror. The moonroof can be opened partially
or fully.
To open:
Slide the control towards the rear to open
the moonroof to the comfort position.
To open it fully, slide the control back a
second time. Press the control to stop it
To close:
Slide the control forwards until the moon-
roof is closed.
Ventilation position
Press the middle of the control (when
moonroof closed).
To close: slide the control forwards.
To fully open the moonroof from the ventila-
tion position, slide the control back.
The moonroof incorporates an interior,
manual, sliding sun blind.
If the car is newly waxed, the moonroof may
creak when opened to the ventilation posi-
tion or when driving with the moonroof
closed. The sound comes from the area
where the front edge of the moonroof meets
the metal roof. Open the moonroof fully and,
using washer fluid, clean the seal on the
leading edge of the moonroof and the
painted surface against which this seals
when the moonroof is closed.
Bear in mind the pinch hazard when clos-
ing the moonroof.
Always remove the ignition key when
you leave the car. This prevents per-
sonal injury caused by the electric
moonroof, for example, due to chil-
dren playing.
The person operating the electric
moonroof is responsible for ensuring
that no one, especially children, has
their head, hands or fingers in the
opening, before closing the moonroof.
Operating the moonroof could other-
wise cause serious or fatal injuries.
Do not extend your arm, head etc. out
of an open moonroof while driving.
Moonroof control
1 To open
2 To close
3 Ventilation position
95_U S_M 07.book Page 123 Friday, June 9, 2006 8:58 AM

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