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196 Starting and driving
Parking on a hill
When parking on a steep hill, turn the front
wheels so that they will be blocked by the
curb if the car should move.
Long-term parking
If the car is not going to be used for some
time, e.g. 3–4 months, the following steps
are recommended:
Run the engine to normal temperature
before long-term parking.
Drain the washer-fluid reservoir and
Wash and wax the car. Clean the rubber
seals on the hood, luggage compartment
lid and doors, and lubricate them with
glycerol (glycerin).
After washing the car, dry the brake discs
by taking the car out on the road and
applying the brakes a few times.
Fill the fuel tank with fuel to prevent con-
densation forming in it.
Top up the coolant and check the anti-
freeze before the onset of winter.
Park the car in a dry, covered and
well-ventilated building. Leave the park-
ing brake OFF!
Disconnect the negative (–) battery lead.
If frost is likely to occur during the
long-term parking, remove the battery
and store it away from the frost.
Ideally, the car should be put up on
blocks, with the wheels off the ground. If
this is not possible, inflate the tires to
about 43 psi (300 kPa).
Leave all the windows open a crack and
cover the car with a fabric tarpaulin – not
one made of plastic.
1 Pointing downhill and
against the curb
– Turn the wheels into
the curb and edge the
car forward until the
wheels touch the curb.
2 Pointing uphill and
against the curb
– Turn the wheels away
from the curb and edge
the car back until the
wheels touch the curb.
3 Pointing uphill or
downhill – no curb
– Turn the wheels
towards the edge of the
road. If the car should
start rolling, it will not run
into the road.

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