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181Starting and driving
Driving in hot weather
Always check the coolant level before
starting a journey. The level should be just
below the MAX mark.
At the end of a journey, if the engine has
worked hard, allow it to idle for two or
three minutes before switching it off.
If the needle on the temperature gauge
enters the red zone:
1 Bring the car to a standstill but leave the
engine running. Do not remove the cap
on the expansion tank even if the tank is
empty. If the needle on the temperature
gauge continues to rise while the engine
is idling, switch off the engine.
2 Wait until the needle has dropped back
to indicate normal temperature (roughly
midway, in the white zone) before stop-
ping the engine. If the coolant needs top-
ping up, unscrew the cap on expansion
tank carefully.
Top up, as necessary, ideally with a
50/50 mixture of Saab-approved coolant
and water. If only water is available, use
that, but remember to have the coolant
mixture checked as soon as possible.
3 As soon as possible, have the cooling
system checked by an authorized Saab
Towing a trailer
Trailer hitch attachment
Trailer hitch attachments are available as
accessories. These are designed for a max-
imum trailer weight of 3500 lbs. (1588 kg),
see also page 259.
Use only the electrical trailer hitch socket
provided in the trailer hitch kit.
Saab recommends:
Use a Saab original hitch kit attachment
which is designed and tested by Saab.
Consult your Saab dealer regarding the
appropriate hitch kit for your car.
Exercise care when opening the hood
if the engine is overheated. Never
remove the expansion tank cap com-
pletely when the engine is hot.
The cooling system is pressurized -
hot coolant and vapor can escape.
These can cause injury to your eyes
and burns. Open the cap slowly to
release the pressure before
removing it.
Use only a genuine Saab trailer hitch and
wiring, since other wiring methods can
cause expensive damage to the car’s
body and electrical system.
Consult an authorized Saab dealer for
guidance on how to connect the trailer
hitch electrical system.

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