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117OnStar - Telematics
Voice Commands
Personal Calling is made available through
your voice commands to the system. This
allows you to verbally control all of the
phone functions.
Your OnStar wireless phone system has
been programmed to respond to a wide vari-
ety of voices and accents. You should
speak distinctly in a normal speaking vol-
ume. It is not necessary to exaggerate your
voice or to speak loudly. Speak numerical
digits one at a time, and then wait for confir-
mation before going to the next digit.
Voice Command Error Messages
Pardon – The system has not been able to
match your command with a word that it
knows. Repeating the command distinctly
should fix the problem.
Slower Please – Repeat the command
after a short pause. This response normally
happens if you say a command before the
system is ready for it or if there is substantial
background noise.
Universal Commands
Help – The system will provide a list of avail-
able commands.
Clear – When you are entering digits, this
command will erase the last digit entered.
Cancel – This command takes you from the
current function to the ”Ready” prompt. If the
last response from the system was ”Ready,”
this command will exit voice recognition.
Placing a Call
There are three ways to place a call:
1 By using a particular number, say ”DIAL”
2 By using a stored nametag, say ”CALL”
3 By dialing the last number, say
To dial a number:
To dial using a ”Nametag”:
To redial the last number dialed:
Receiving a Call
If someone calls your wireless phone num-
ber, the entertainment system in your Saab
will mute (if it is on), and you will hear a
phone ringing sound. To answer the call,
simply press the White Dot button.
Ending a Call
When your call is finished, press the White
Dot button to end the call. It is not possible
to end a call using voice commands.
1 Press the
OnStar White
Dot button
OnStar will respond
2 Say ”DIAL” OnStar will respond
”Number Please”
3 Say the 1st
OnStar will repeat the
4 Say the 2nd
OnStar will repeat the
Continue saying numbers in this man-
ner until finished
5 Say ”DIAL” OnStar will respond
”Dialing <number>,”
then make the call
1Press the
OnStar White
Dot button
OnStar will respond
2 Say ”CALL” OnStar will respond
”Nametag Please”
OnStar will respond
”Calling <nametag>”,
then make the call
1Press the
OnStar White
Dot button
OnStar will respond
2 Say ”REDIAL” OnStar will respond
”Redialing”, then
make the call

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