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113OnStar - Telematics
System status light
Solid Green Indicates the OnStar
system in the vehicle is powered ON and
ready to make calls or receive calls from the
OnStar Center.
Blinking Green — The light blinks green to
indicate a call is being connected or in
progress. If you notice this light blinking
while you are not on a call, press the White
dot button.
Red — This signals that your OnStar
system may not be functioning properly.
Press the OnStar button to attempt to con-
tact an OnStar advisor. If the connection is
made, the advisor will assist you in making
sure your OnStar system is operating prop-
erly. If you cannot contact the OnStar Cen-
ter, please take your car to the nearest Saab
dealer for diagnosis and service.
The OnStar Center is the heart of your ser-
vice — staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a
week with knowledgeable OnStar advisors.
Even on weekends and holidays, there is
always someone ready to help.
OnStar uses sophisticated Global Position-
ing System (GPS) satellites to locate your
Saab, and wireless technology to provide
the communications link and seamless inte-
gration into your Saab. This system allows
the OnStar advisors to pinpoint your Saab´s
location precisely. This way, advisors can
provide you with a range of helpful services
to protect you and your Saab. Plus, with the
Premium Services Plan* included for 12
months with your Saab, advisors can also
access an extensive database to assist you
with directions, making reservations and
other convenience services.
*) New retail deliveries only.
Emergency button
In an emergency, press this
button to connect with an
OnStar advisor. Your call will
be given the highest priority,
and you will hear a tone fol-
lowed by the words ”Connect-
ing to OnStar Emergency.” An
advisor will locate your Saab,
find out what kind of assistance
you require, and contact the
nearest emergency services
provider who can dispatch
ambulance, fire, police or other
emergency services. Please
use this button only for true
White dot button
Press this button at the end of a
call. You’ll hear the words
”OnStar Request Ended.” Also,
press this button to answer a
call from the OnStar Center, or
cancel a call if one of the other
buttons is accidentally
pressed. This button is also
used to access OnStar Per-
sonal Calling services which
are described on page 116.

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