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75Instruments and controls
Wipers and washers
There are three intermittent wiper positions.
Moving the control stalk to the
spring-loaded position between 0 and 2 will
produce a single sweep of the wipers.
The wipers are designed for optimal clean-
ing at all driving speeds. At higher speeds,
it may be possible to detect a slight ”sweep-
ing” sound. This may be due to the
increased air pressure on the blades at
higher speeds.
Headlight washers
If low beam is on, the headlights are washed
every fifth time the windshield washers are
used or if 2 minutes have elapsed since the
windshield was last washed. The headlight
washers cannot be activated separately.
The headlight washers are of the high-pres-
sure type, which means that other parts of
the car may become wet if you activate the
washers while the car is stationary.
Rain sensing wipers (option)
The rain sensor automatically controls the
windshield wipers. The sensor is located on
the windshield beside the rearview mirror.
The system varies between single sweeps
of the windshield and continuous wiping
depending on how much water or snow
there is on the windshield.
Activate the system by lifting the control
stalk to position 1. The wipers make one
sweep for reference to see how much water
and snow is on the windshield. In future, the
sensor compares the amount of water and
snow on the windshield with this reference
When the engine has been switched off,
the control stalk must be moved to posi-
tion 0 and back to position 1 to reactivate
the sensor.
Set the sensitivity using the control on the
wiper stalk (the same control as used for
wiper delay on cars not fitted with a rain sen-
sor). The sensor has three sensitivity set-
tings. It is most sensitive when in the upper-
Turn the rain sensor off if the ignition is
ON when clearing snow and ice from the
windshield, to avoid personal injury.
To avoid damaging the windshield
wipers, turn the rain sensor off before
washing the car in an automatic carwash.
1 Intermittent operation
2 Low speed
3 High speed
4 Washers
Control for setting wiper delay
1 Long delay
2 Short delay

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