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213Car care and technical information
For long trips
Before setting off on a long journey, it is
advisable to have your car checked over by
your Saab dealer.
Obtain a few important items to take along
on your journey such as spare bulbs, wiper
blades, fuses, a Poly-Vee-belt and the like.
You can check some points yourself before-
Make sure that the engine is in good con-
Check that no oil or gasoline leaks out of
the engine or gearbox/transmission.
Inspect the Poly-Vee-belt and replace it if
it shows any signs of hard wear.
Check the battery charge.
Check the tires for tread pattern and air
pressure, including the compact spare
Check the brakes.
Check all bulbs.
Check for the presence of the tool kit and
the jack in the car.
Recovery and/or
recycling of automotive
A typical car consists of metals (65–75%),
plastics (10–14%), rubber (5%) and small
quantities of glass, wood, paper and tex-
Some of these materials can be recycled,
while others can be recovered in chemical
processes for reuse in new products or as a
source of energy.
While the Saab 9-5 was still at the draw-
ing-board stage, Saab engineers were
giving serious consideration to how the
maximum quantity of materials could be
reclaimed from the car on its eventual
scrapping. To facilitate sorting, plastic parts,
for instance, have been marked to identify
the precise nature of the plastic.
Approximately 90% of the materials in the
car can be recycled or recovered, where
facilities exist.
Before the car is scrapped, all the oils and
other fluids that could pollute the environ-
ment should be recovered from the car. It
may be of interest in this context to learn that
the refrigerant used in the Saab 9-5’s A/C
and ACC systems (R134a) contains neither
CFCs nor any other chlorine compounds.
1 A-pillar trim: PP, PP/EPDM
2 Windshield trim: PP, PP/EPDM
3 Seals: EPDM
4 C-pillar trim: PP
5 Rear light cluster: PMMA
6 Corner infill panel: PPO/PA
7 Rear bumper, cellular core: expanded PP;
sheathing: PP/EPDM
8 Side-window casing: PP/EPDM
9 Fuel tank: PE
10 Side trim: PVC
11 A-pillar upholstery trim: PC/ABS, textile
12 Rearview mirror: ABS
13 Sill scuff plate: PP/EPDM
14 Wheel-arch liner: PP
15 Wheel cover: PA
16 Direction-indicator lamp lens: PMMA
17 Washer-fluid reservoir: PE
18 Front spoiler: PP/EPDM
19 Front bumper, cellular core: expanded PP;
sheathing: PP/EPDM
20 Fan shroud: PP
21 Radiator grille: ABS
22 Scuttle panel finisher: PC/ASA

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