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199Car care and technical information
Rotating tires
Because the car has front-wheel drive, the
front tires tend to wear faster than the rear
ones. New tires should always be fitted in
pairs, so that tires on the same axle have the
same amount of tread.
If swapping the complete set, e.g. winter
tires for summer tires, mark the tires
removed to ensure that they go back in the
same position (e.g. FL for front left, RL rear
left, etc.).
Store wheels lying flat or hanging never
standing upright.
Tire markings
An example of the meaning of the different
markings in a tire size is given below for a
tire size of:
205/65 R15 94 V
Winter tires
Winter (snow) tires are recommended for
winter climates where the majority of your
driving will be done on snow and ice. Winter
tires should be fitted to all four wheels to
maintain a proper balance. Your Saab
dealer can advise you as to the correct size
tire for your car (if different from the original
size) and also supply Saab approved winter
Tire quality grading (cars sold in
New tires must be graded and labeled in
accordance with new Federal regulations.
Standard tests are conducted to measure
performance in the areas of traction and
temperature resistance. Refer to the tire
sidewall for the specific quality grades of the
tires provided on your new Saab. Compact
spare tires are exempt.
Traction AA, A, B, C
Temperature A, B, C
All passenger car tires must conform to Fed-
eral safety requirements in addition to these
When fitting just one new pair of tires,
these should be fitted to the rear wheels,
as these are more critical to the direc-
tional stability of the car (e.g. on braking
or in a skid). The existing rear wheels
should therefore be moved to the front.
Always move left rear to left front and right
rear to right front, so that the direction of
rotation remains the same.
205 Tire section width, mm
65 Aspect ratio, i.e. the section height
is 65% of the section width
R Radial ply
15 Wheel rim diameter 15 in at bead
94 Tire load code
V Speed marking
Speed ratings
S Tire approved for speeds up to
100 mph (180 km/h)
T Tire approved for speeds up to
118 mph (190 km/h)
H Tire approved for speeds up to
130 mph (210 km/h)
V Tire approved for speeds up to
150 mph (240 km/h)
W Tire approved for speeds up to
167 mph (270 km/h)
Y Tire approved for speeds up to
186 mph (300 km/h)

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