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169Car care and technical information
Engine families
Saab cars imported into the United States
and Canada meet all applicable emission
control standards. The engine family and
appropriate tune-up specifications are iden-
tified on a label affixed to the left front inner
These engine families meet applicable EPA
Federal Standards, California State Stan-
dards and Canadian Federal Standards and
are equipped with the following systems:
Sequential multiport fuel injection system.
Three way catalytic converter.
Crankcase emissions control system.
Evaporative emission control system.
On-Board diagnostic (OBD II) system.
Emission control
The systems for controlling emissions to the
atmosphere require regular checking and
adjustment at the intervals specified in the
service program.
In addition to meeting the exhaust emission
regulations and thereby helping to keep the
environment clean, a correctly tuned engine
will also give maximum fuel economy.
Saab Trionic engine management
The Saab Trionic engine management
system is a unique Saab development that
combines sequential multiport fuel injection,
electronic distributorless ignition and turbo-
charger boost pressure control into one sys-
The Trionic engine control module (ECM)
monitors many different engine parameters
such as:
Intake manifold pressure.
Intake air temperature.
Crankshaft position.
Engine coolant temperature.
Throttle position and
The oxygen content of the exhaust gases.
The ECM receives information regarding
engine knocking from a sophisticated feed-
back function in the ignition discharge unit.
By processing all of this information, the Tri-
onic system can control fuel injector open-
ing duration, ignition timing and turbo-
charger boost pressure to provide excellent
engine performance while maintaining low
emissions and fuel consumption.
The Trionic engine management systems
continuously monitors the operation of
these systems and have on-board diag-
nostic capabilities (OBD II).
If the “Engine malfunction” lamp in
the main instrument illuminates, this indi-
cates that the Trionic ECM has detected
a problem. The car will continue to oper-
ate, but performance may be diminished.
You should have your car checked by a
Saab dealer as soon as possible.

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