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157Starting and driving
Driving with a load
The driving characteristics of the car are
affected by the way it is loaded.
Place heavy loads as far forward and as
low as possible in the trunk.
Secure the load to the tie downs, see
page 118.
The load should be such that the car´s
total weight or axle weight are not
exceeded, see page 226.
Heavy loads mean that the car’s centre of
gravity is further back. As a result, the car
will sway more during evasive steering.
Never exceed the permissible load in the
roof box, even if there is room for more.
Ensure that the tire pressure is correct –
slight overinflation is preferable to under-
The braking distance of a loaded car is
always greater. Keep your distance from
the vehicle in front.
Tire pressure, see page 235 and back
The tire pressure should match the current
load and speed of the car; see the back
cover or the tire pressure label on
page 235.
The tire pressures given apply to cold tires,
that is tires that are the same temperature
as the outside air temperature.
The tire pressure increases as the tires
become warm (e.g. during highway driving)
with approximately 0.3 bar (4 psi). When
the temperature of the tires changes by 50°
(10°C), the tire pressure will change 0.1 bar
(2 psi).
Never reduce the pressure of a hot tire. If the
tires are hot when you check them, only
increase the pressure, if necessary.
Underinflated tires wear more quickly than
slightly overinflated tires.
If a valve is leaking, simply unscrew it and fit
a new one.
Important! Remember to adjust the tire
pressures if you change the load in the car
or intend to drive at substantially lower or
higher speeds than normal.
Check the tire pressure at least once a
month. Underinflation is the main cause
Damage to the wheels.
Premature tire wear.
Damage to the sidewalls.

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