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273Car care
Air conditioning (A/C)
If a fault occurs in the A/C system, there are
a number of checks you can perform your-
self. If the fault persists, however, have the
system checked at a workshop. We recom-
mend that you contact a Saab dealer.
When the A/C system is running, the intake
air is dehumidified. The resultant condensa-
tion that forms on the evaporator is drained
off under the car. When the car is parked,
this may result in a small puddle forming on
the ground. The warmer the air and the
higher the relative humidity, the more con-
densation will be produced.
Inadequate cooling
1 Check that the condenser (in front of the
radiator) has not become clogged with
dirt and insects.
2 Make sure that the compressor drive
belt does not slip (see page 215).
3 Check the fuses for the ventilation fans
and compressor (see page 235).
The compressor drive belt should be
inspected under the regular service
Clean away dirt and insects from the
condenser and radiator to prevent clog-
ging. When washing the car, use the hose
to spray the radiator and condenser
(located in front of the radiator) from both
sides (both from the front of the car and
from inside the engine bay). Do not use a
pressure washer.
Caution: Do not hose down the radia-
tor and condenser while the engine is
Other than in extremely cold weather, do not
screen the radiator, e.g. with netting, as this
will greatly diminish its cooling capacity.
Applicable to the manual climate control
system - During cold months the air condi-
tioning should be switched on once or
twice a month and run for 5–10 minutes
during highway driving once the engine is
This action saves the gaskets in the
compressor from being spoiled. The
All repairs and adjustments to the A/C
system must be carried out at a Saab
dealer authorized for this kind of work.
The A/C system is pressurized. Do not
break any connections or undo A/C
system components.
Escaping gas can cause eye injury or
other personal injury.
The A/C system is designed for use
with R134a refrigerant.
Refrigerant handling requires special
equipment and special procedures for
charging and draining the system.
Never mix R 134a with other refriger-
Do not use a pressure washer when
cleaning the condenser or radiator due to
the risk of damage.
93_US_7carcare_MY09.fm Page 273 Tuesday, April 15, 2008 11:26 AM

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