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268 Car care
The underside of the car also needs wash-
ing regularly, and this should be done extra
thoroughly at the end of winter. Clean the
underside of the car by hand if the car is
usually washed in an automatic car wash
without special facilities for underbody
Never wash or leave the car to dry in the
sun, but wipe it dry with a chamois leather
immediately after washing to avoid smears
and streaks.
Clean the inside of window glass using a
proprietary window cleaner. This is particu-
larly important when the car is new, as
upholstery and trim have a tendency to
sweat a little at first.
Keep the glass well polished, as this helps
to prevent misting.
Clean the outside of the windows with Saab
washer fluid. This is especially important if
the car has been washed in an automatic
car wash, as sometimes a wax treatment is
used that can contaminate the windshield
and impair the performance of the wipers.
Saab offers a full complement of car care
products. See your dealer or visit us at our
If a pressure washer is used be heedful of
the following recommendations:
On the lower part of the car (not higher
than the door handles): max pressure
of 100 bar and not closer than 8 in.
(20 cm).
On the upper part of the car: tax pres-
sure of 100 bar and not closer than
32 in. (80 cm).
Do not use any drying chemicals or water-
proofing agents.
Avoid automatic car washes.
Read and follow the instructions on
the packaging of the recommended
cleaning agents and waterproofing
agents. We recommend that you con-
tact an authorized Saab dealer
regarding recommended cleaning
agents and waterproofing agents.
Never treat the soft top with hot wax or
Never use petrochemical based sol-
vents for cleaning. Only use water with
a recommended cleaning agent. Pet-
rochemical based solvents can cause
irreparable damage to the soft top.
Never use a pressure washer to clean
the soft top. Only use normal house-
hold water pressure.
Only operate the soft top when it is
clean and dry.
Do not lower the soft top when it is
damp. This can cause folds and pres-
sure marks. If the soft top is heavily
soiled, the dirt may cause irreparable
visible chafe marks.
Only use water, recommended clean-
ing agents and a microfibre cloth if the
soft top is already damaged, other-
wise the damage can become worse.
At creases, seams and window edges
the cleaning motion should be away
from the crease, seam or window
edge in to the soft top.
93_US_7carcare_MY09.fm Page 268 Tuesday, April 15, 2008 11:26 AM

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