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241Car care
High speed operation
If you’ll be driving at high speeds, speeds of
100 mph (160 km/h) or higher, where it is
legal, set the cold inflation pressure to the
maximum inflation pressure shown on the
tire sidewall, or to 35 psi (244 kPa), which-
ever is lower. See the example below.
When you end this high-speed driving,
return to the cold inflation pressure shown
on the Tire and Loading Information label.
See on page 250.
You’ll find maximum load and inflation pres-
sure molded on the tire’s sidewall, in small
letters near the rim flange. It will read some-
thing like this: Maximum load 690 kg
(1521 lbs) 300 kPa (44 psi) Max. Press
For this example, you would set the inflation
pressure for high-speed driving at 35 psi
(244 kPa).
When to check
Check your tires once a month or more.
Don’t forget your compact spare tire. It
should be at 60 psi (420 kPa).
How to Check
Use a good quality pocket-type gage to
check tire pressure. You can’t tell if your
tires are properly inflated simply by looking
at them. Radial tires may look properly
inflated even when they’re underinflated.
Be sure to put the valve caps back on the
valve stems. They help prevent leaks by
keeping out dirt and moisture.
Tire Inspection and Rotation
Tires should be rotated every 10,000 miles
(16 000 km).
Any time you notice unusual wear, rotate
your tires as soon as possible and check
wheel alignment. Also check for damaged
tires or wheels. See “When It Is Time for
New Tires” on page 242 and “Wheel
Replacement” on page 246 for more infor-
The purpose of regular rotation is to achieve
more uniform wear for all tires on the vehi-
cle. The first rotation is the most important.
When rotating your tires, always use the
correct rotation pattern. Left front tire to left
rear. Left rear tire to right front. Right front to
right rear. Right rear to left front.
Don’t include the compact spare tire in your
tire rotation.
After the tires have been rotated, adjust the
front and rear inflation pressures as shown
on the Tire-Loading Information label. Make
Driving at high speeds, 100 mph
(160 km/h) or higher, puts an additional
strain on tires.
Sustained high-speed driving causes
excessive heat build up and can cause
sudden tire failure. You could have a
crash and you or others could be killed.
Some high-speed rated tires require infla-
tion pressure adjustment for high speed
operation. When speed limits and road
conditions are such that a vehicle can be
driven at high speeds, make sure the tires
are rated for high speed operation, in
excellent condition, and set to the correct
cold tire inflation pressure for the vehicle
93_US_7carcare_MY09.fm Page 241 Tuesday, April 15, 2008 11:26 AM

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