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93Instruments and controls
You can check the distance left by selecting
Dist. At the same time you can check the
calculated time of arrival.
After the distance to destination has
decreased to zero, Dist will function as a trip
meter (see Using DIST as a trip meter). The
starting value for the trip meter will be the
last distance set for the Dist function.
Example: The Dist function is set to
100 miles. After the count-down has
reached 0 miles, Dist will act as a trip meter
beginning at 100 miles.
Calculating the arrival time if a specified
average speed is maintained
(When will I arrive if I know how far I have to
drive and know what my average speed will
This function should be used before starting
out a journey.
First, set the distance under Dist.
1 Then select Speed Ø function.
2 Press and hold the SET button until
given audible confirmation.
3 Set the estimated average speed using
the steering wheel controls.
4 Confirm the setting by pressing the SET
The distance and the calculated time of
arrival is now displayed.
The time of arrival is updated during the
journey based on the average speed since
Dist was set. The speed of the car must
exceed 12 mph (20 km/h).
By selecting Dist during the journey, you
can see how much distance is left to travel.
When Dist reaches zero it acts as a trip
meter. The trip meter starts from the dis-
tance that was set previously.
To improve night-driving conditions inside
the car, the Night Panel mode can be
selected. In this mode, the amount of infor-
mation displayed is reduced, and only the
most important instruments and displays
will be illuminated.
When the NIGHTPANEL button is pressed,
only the speedometer will be illuminated.
All other instrument lighting will be switched
off and the needles drop to zero.
Note: All indicator and warning lights and
messages will operate normally if required.
Temp (when the outside temperature falls
or rises to between 26 and 38 °F (–3 and
+3 °C)) and D.T.E. (when the remaining fuel
is only sufficient for approx. 80 miles
(50 km) of driving) are even shown in Night
Panel model.
93_US_MY09.book Page 93 Tuesday, April 15, 2008 10:30 AM

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