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58 Security
Panic function
The car alarm includes a panic function. This function allows the
alarm to be started manually, for example, to attract attention.
The panic alarm can only be activated while the car is stationary.
The alarm is silenced if the car is driven off.
When the alarm is tripped, the lights and horn come on for 3 minutes
or until you press one of the remote control buttons.
To start the alarm manually proceed as follows:
Press and hold the button on the remote control for more than
2 seconds, or if you are sitting in the car...
Press and hold the or button on one of the front doors
for more than 2 seconds.
To switch off the alarm:
Press one of the remote control buttons or, if you are sitting in the
car, the or buttons on one of the front doors.
Overview of functions
Locking/arming Direction indicators flash once.
Direction indicators flash twice.
disarming trunk
Direction indicators flash three times.
Alarm triggered Direction indicators flash for 5 min.
The horn sounds for 30-second intervals with
10-second breaks (max. 10 cycles) or until you
press one of the remote control buttons or turn
the ignition switch to the ON position.
Remote control Normal range: 5–16 yds. (5–15 metres).
In favorable conditions the range can be signifi-
cantly greater.
Remote control
Normal life: approx. 4 years.
Change the battery when the SID displays:
Remote control battery
low. Replace battery.
See Changing the key battery, page 54.
Some car alarm functions and indications can be reprogrammed.
Contact a Saab dealer for details of the possibilities and refer to
page 293.
93_US_MY09.book Page 58 Tuesday, April 15, 2008 10:30 AM

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