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3 Change the battery. Fit the new battery
so that it is positioned in the same way
as the old battery, with the positive (+)
side facing down.
4 Fit the two halves of the remote control
together and press them together until
you hear several clicks. Avoid pressing
the buttons. Reinsert the traditional key
into the remote control.
5 After changing the battery in the remote
control, it is only possible to use the
remote control a limited number of times
before synchronization with the car is
lost. Therefore, do not press the buttons
on the remote control repeatedly directly
after changing the battery.
Unlock the car and insert the remote
control into the ignition switch to
synchronize the remote control and car.
If the central locking system does not work
after changing the battery and the car is
locked, proceed as follows:
1 Unlock the front left door with the tradi-
tional key. If the car has a car alarm, this
will be tripped.
2 Open the door and insert the remote
control into the ignition switch. If the car
has a car alarm, this will be silenced.
The remote control and receiver unit are
now synchronized.
The remote control contains an electronic
code that is unique to your car. When the
remote control is inserted into the ignition
switch, this code is checked and the LED on
the dashboard double-flashes for
3 seconds. If the code is correct, the car can
be started.
Each time you remove the remote control
from the ignition, the electronic starting
interlock is activated, the LED dou-
ble-flashes for 3 seconds and the car
becomes immobilized. If an incorrect
remote control is now inserted into the igni-
tion switch (e.g. the remote control of
another car), the immobilizer will remain
operative (the LED will not flash for
3 seconds) and it will not be possible to start
the car.
If, when inserted into the ignition switch,
there is a problem checking the electronic
code of the remote control, the following
message will appear on the SID:
Visit a Saab dealer to have the problem
checked and rectified.
Key not accepted.
Contact service.
Change the battery and fit together
the two halves of the remote control
93_US_MY09.book Page 55 Tuesday, April 15, 2008 10:30 AM

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