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Correct position for safety belt
Consider this:
Position the lap strap snugly and low
across the hips so that it just touches the
The shoulder strap must be as far in on
the shoulder as possible.
Check to ensure that the belt is not twisted
or rubbing against any sharp edges.
There should not be any slack in the belt.
Pull the belt tight – particularly important
when thick outer clothing is worn. It
is advisable to remove thick items of
Refrain from tilting the backrest more than
necessary, as the safety belt provides
better protection when the seat is in the
more upright position.
Only one person per safety belt!
For most of the time a safety belt is worn,
the retractor will allow the wearer freedom
of movement. The retractor locks up auto-
matically if the belt is jerked or withdrawn
sharply, the car tilts, the brakes are
applied hard or a crash occurs.
Children up to 6 years of age must always
be seated in a child seat. Saab recom-
mends the use of a child seat for children
up to the age of 10.
Children who have grown out of a child
seat should be restrained by the car’s
standard three-point belts. Make sure that
the shoulder belt is not in contact with the
neck or throat. If it is, a booster seat/cush-
ion may be necessary.
Proper positioning of the safety belt is
extremely important.
An out of position safety belt can result
in the wearer sliding underneath the
belt in a crash (submarining) and
injury can result from the lap portion
cutting into the abdomen.
Never fasten the safety belt with the
shoulder belt behind the body or pull
the belt off the shoulder and under the
Two people must never share one
safety belt. In the event of a crash
those sharing a belt risk being crushed
together and injured.
Correct seating position
93_US_MY09.book Page 13 Tuesday, April 15, 2008 10:30 AM

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