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284 Customer Assistance and Information
Vehicle Data Collection and
Event Data Recorders
Your vehicle, like other modern motor vehi-
cles, has a number of sophisticated com-
puter systems that monitor and control sev-
eral aspects of the vehicles performance.
Your vehicle uses on-board vehicle comput-
ers to monitor emission control components
to optimize fuel economy, to monitor condi-
tions for air bag deployment and, if so
equipped, to provide anti-lock braking and
to help the driver control the vehicle in diffi-
cult driving situations. Some information
may be stored during regular operations to
facilitate repair of detected malfunctions;
other information is stored only in a crash
event by computer systems commonly
called event data recorders (EDR).
In a crash event, computer systems, such
as the Air Bag Sensing and Diagnostic
Module (SDM) in your vehicle may record
information about the condition of the vehi-
cle and how it was operated, such as data
related to engine speed, brake application,
throttle position, vehicle speed, steering
wheel angle, lateral acceleration, safety belt
usage, air bag readiness, air bag perfor-
mance, and the severity of a collision. This
information has been used to improve vehi-
cle crash performance and may be used to
improve crash performance of future vehi-
cles and driving safety. Unlike the data
recorders on many airplanes, these
on-board systems do not record sounds,
such as conversation of vehicle occupants.
To read this information, special equipment
is needed and access to the vehicle or the
SDM is required.
Saab will not access information about a
crash event or share it with others other than
with the consent of the vehicle owner or, if
the vehicle is leased, with the consent of
the lessee,
in response to an official request of police
or similar government office,
as part of Saabs defense of litigation
through the discovery process, or
as required by law.
In addition, once Saab collects or receives
data, Saab may
use the data for Saab research needs,
make it available for research where
appropriate confidentiality is to be main-
tained and need is shown, or
share summary data which is not tied to a
specific vehicle with non-Saab organiza-
tions for research purposes.
Others, such as law enforcement, may have
access to the special equipment that can
read the information if they have access to
the vehicle or SDM.
If your vehicle is equipped with OnStar
please check the OnStar
subscription ser-
vice agreement or manual for information
on its operations and data collection.
93_US_M08.book Page 284 Friday, May 11, 2007 11:37 AM

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