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270 Car care
8 If spots are still visible, repeat the treat-
ment on these spots as before. Press
lightly with the brush to prevent damag-
ing the material. Do not use the brush
excessively. This can irreparably
damage the material. Do not repeat the
treatment more than twice.
9 When the soft top has fully dried, it must
be waterproofed immediately. Only use
the recommended waterproofing agent.
Follow the instructions on the packag-
10 To obtain even and optimum waterproof-
ing, the car must be closed for 24 hours
after treatment. Do not touch the mate-
rial and do not place any objects on it.
Waxing and polishing
Do not wax a new car during the first three
or four months. In fact, there is no need to
polish the car before the paintwork has
started to dull through oxidation. Other than
in exceptional cases, do not use abrasive
polishes containing a cutting agent on a new
car. Always wash the car thoroughly before
waxing or polishing.
Touching up the paint
Damaged paintwork should be treated as
soon as it is discovered: the longer it is left,
the greater the risk of corrosion. The
anti-corrosion warranty does not cover cor-
rosion resulting from untreated defects.
Paintwork damage sustained in a crash is
usually extensive and can only be properly
restored by professionals.
However, you can repair small scratches
and stone chip damage yourself. The nec-
essary tools and materials, such as primer,
touch-up paint and brushes, are available
from a workshop. We recommend that you
contact a Saab dealer.
In the case of minor flaws in the paintwork,
where the metal has not been exposed and
an undamaged layer of paint remains,
touch-up paint can usually be applied
directly, after any dirt has been scraped
away using a pointed knife.
If corrosion has already set in, such as the
result of stone-chip damage, use a pointed
knife to scrape off all surface rust. If possi-
ble, the damaged area should be taken
back to the bare metal. The metal should
then be primed with two thin coats of primer
applied by brush.
After the primer has dried, apply several thin
layers of topcoat until the surface of the
repaired area is flush with the surrounding
Stir both primer and touch-up paint thor-
oughly before use and allow each coat to
dry before applying the next.
Two-coat enamel
As the name implies, two-coat enamel is
applied in two operations. The first coat, the
base color, contains the pigment, metal
flakes and binder. The second coat consists
of a clear enamel, which provides the final
gloss for the paintwork and protects the
base from moisture and environmental con-
Touch-up stone-chip damage as follows:
1 Thoroughly clean the damaged area.
2 Then apply the primer, base color and
finally, the clear enamel. To achieve the
best finish, apply two or three coats of
93_US_M08.book Page 270 Friday, May 11, 2007 11:37 AM

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