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260 Car care
Compact spare
The compact spare is light and easy to
handle when changing the tire. Its use is
only permitted when a standard tire has sus-
tained a puncture. The maximum life of the
tire is only just over 2,000 miles (3,500 km).
Do not exceed 50 mph (80 km/h) with the
compact spare fitted.
The tire pressure should be 60 psi
(420 kPa). Put the punctured tire in the
spare wheel well under the trunk floor.
Have the standard tire repaired and refitted
as soon as possible.
The spare tire, the tools and the jack with its
crank are carried under a panel in the trunk.
Fold the carpeting forward to ease access to
the tools and spare tire.
The screwdriver handle has a button for
removing plastic rivets. This type of rivet
must be removed when changing the light
bulb in the trunk lid (see page 230).
Your Saab is equipped with a trip computer
and you can use its Speed warning func-
tion, to monitor driving speed since you
must not exceed 50 mph (80 km/h), see
page 92.
Driving with a compact wheel
Observe the following when the compact
spare tire is fitted:
The compact spare is light and easy to
handle when changing a tire.
Do not drive further than necessary with
the compact spare fitted - the maximum
life of the tire is only just over 2,000 miles
(approx. 3,500 km).
Refit the standard tire as soon as possi-
Fitting a spare tire/wheel without pressure
sensor will trigger a malfunction
message, see page 259.
Important considerations when driving with
a compact spare tire:
The cars ground clearance is reduced.
The spare tire or punctured tire must be
stowed under the trunk floor, and secured
in place with the retaining nut.
Do not exceed 50 mph (80 km/h). The
tire can overheat affecting the cars
Tire pressure: refer to page 294.
The spare tire or punctured tire must
be stowed under the trunk floor, and
secured in place with the retaining nut.
93_US_M08.book Page 260 Friday, May 11, 2007 11:37 AM

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