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183Starting and driving
increases as the car comes closer to the
If you stop the car with reverse gear
engaged, the sound pulse will stop after
2 seconds. The sound pulses will return if
you continue to reverse. If the car rolls for-
ward while reverse is engaged, the system
is silenced.
When the distance to the object is less
than 1 ft. (30 cm), a continuous tone will
be heard.
When an object is approximately 3 ft.
(90 cm) from the car, the sound pulses
change character markedly (frequency
increases). A distance of about 3 ft. (90 cm)
is suitable if you wish to load or unload the
If the distance between an object and a
corner sensor does not change for
3 seconds, for example if you are reversing
alongside a wall, the system will switch to
monitoring straight back. The system indi-
cates if the distance to the wall decreases
If a trailer is hitched up and correctly con-
nected to the trailer contact by the tow bar,
the system is automatically deactivated.
Reversing alongside a wall
If the distance between an object and a
corner sensor does not change for
2 seconds, for example if you are reversing
alongside a wall, the system will switch to
monitoring straight back. The system indi-
cates if the distance to the wall decreases
Cars with trailer hitch
If the car has a trailer hitch and its wiring is
correctly connected to the cars electrical
system, the Saab Parking Assistance auto-
matically compensates for the protrusion of
the tow bar.
If a camper or trailer is hitched up and the
trailer hitch wiring is correctly connected to
the cars electrics, the system is automati-
cally deactivated.
You can temporarily deactivate the Saab
Parking Assistance as follows:
Engage reverse and press the CLR
button on the SID control panel.
The system will be reactivated the next time
you engage reverse.
The sensors must be kept clean to func-
tion well. Ice, snow and dirt can affect
their sensitivity.
Large quantities of snow or dirt covering
the sensors can prevent the parking
assistance system from detecting any
Do not spray the sensors with a pressure
washer, as this can damage them.
93_US_M08.book Page 183 Friday, May 11, 2007 11:37 AM

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